New Staff Profile: Ms. Lapinski

Milan Howell (11-3)

This school year, Masterman has had the pleasure of welcoming Ms. Lapinski as its newest science and seminar teacher! An avid Mexican food and pasta lover as well as a friendly Sagittarius star sign, Ms. Lapinski spends most of the school day teaching 7th and 8th graders science. However; there are still plenty of opportunities to catch a glimpse of her friendly face around the building and in the halls.

Ever since moving here to attend Temple for her undergrad, Ms. Lapinski fell in love with the liveliness of the city and decided to stay. She admits it was a big transition from her slower-paced hometown of Scranton, Pennsylvania, but she loves how there’s always something happening and new people to meet in Philadelphia. Interestingly enough, Ms. Lapinski originally went to college to study kinesthiology, the study of motion, with intentions of being a physical therapist. However, after shadowing a practitioner, she took her plans into serious reconsideration, deciding to take a year off from college to make a new plan. After spending her off-year working as a nanny, at about 23 years old, she came to the decision to share her love of science by teaching it to children!

Ms. Lapinski adamantly states that she could never see herself teaching anything besides science. She’s always held a deep passion for the subject, enjoying exploring the “how’s” and “why’s” of the world, explaining how it came to be what we see today. “It’s why we’re here! And it’s fun to teach because you can make it interactive, especially with the middle schoolers,” Ms. Lapinski adds, commenting on their funny “ah-ha!” moments as they make scientific breakthroughs in their observations and experiments.

After working at a mastery and performing arts school, Ms. Lapinski eventually made her way to Masterman. Despite her busy schedule, Ms. Lapinski makes a point to visit her family members and loving dog in Scranton. Now that she’s settled into the normalities of city-life, Ms. Lapinski is dedicated to providing comprehensive material to her students, helping them to match and even surpass state standards while also having fun exploring the mysteries of the world! Thus far, she's been very happy with her experiences so far in the Masterman community. Hopefully Ms. Lapinski can continue sharing her guidance and love of science with Masterman students.