Senior Spotlight: Sarah Cooperman (12-1)

Annetta Yuwono (12-4)

What is your favorite soccer memory?

I like the soccer sleepover! We had one sleepover and we’re going to have another in a couple weeks. I just love when we do fun things like this.

What is something that you have on your bucket list?

Skydiving and maybe bungee jumping too— also perform something in front of a lot of people. Maybe something musical; I’ll play piano and someone else can sing. But I think some sort of a musical performance would be really cool. I want to run a 50 K (31 miles). It's a little bit more than a marathon so I don’t think that’s a big goal— I mean it’s big but if I trained for it [I know I can do it] but that’s something [I would do] when I’m young.

Photo courtesy of Sarah Cooperman (12-1)

What does a typical day in your life look like?

It’s so boring— my day is so boring. Honestly, my days all change, some days I have discrete, some days, I don’t. Some days I stay in the city, some days I stay in the suburbs. I don’t have a typical day.

What do you want to study in college?

I'm interested in engineering, specifically mechanical engineering. I’m also interested in the core subjects of engineering like physics and math (Calculus) so I’d be interested in studying those in college. Also maybe Business. I might want to get introduced to economics.

What are you excited to experience in college?

I'm excited to create my own schedule— I like how I don't necessarily have a whole day of classes. So I’ll have some day --light hours to myself. I like that I can go outside when it's sunny. I’m most excited to join some relaxed clubs like intramural soccer or a running club. I think I’ll like the more casual sports— actually I don’t know if I should say that because I’m praising our soccer team at the same time— I like this soccer team but it [soccer] wouldn’t be my main focus in college.

What are some things that made your high school experience enjoyable?

I like sitting next to my friends in class and generally having a good group of friends who I can have small interactions with during the day. Getting smoothies before school (senior year) has made my mornings so much better. Something that I really like this year is that I can get to school later on Tuesdays and Thursdays because I don’t have Discrete. I also like all my teachers this year— I really respect them.

What are some of your pet peeves?

I always think of these but I always forget them whenever someone asks.

When people phrase statements as questions or when people put an expected answer in the question for example: “... you like this right?” It’s not always bad but sometimes it seems manipulative when people try to force an answer out of you. Sometimes I think they do it to make your life easier like they don't want to bother you with a complex response or they think that they already know the answer and that’s understandable but sometimes it’s more like

“... Are you going to do this?”— I guess those are just passive aggressive questions.

What do you do in your spare time?

I like to go thrifting. I like to go on long walks and runs. I like to embroider. But that’s the kind of thing that’s good when I have an extended free time because I don’t really get crafty when I only have little bits of free time. During quarantine I was able to craft and put a project aside and then start it again. . I really like going to cookie places. There's a really cool place in the suburbs called Crumble Cookie and then there's Insomnia in the city.

What is the craziest highschool memory you have?

The Marathon (Sophomore year in 2019) — I was really surprised that I could run that distance; I didn’t think I could. I remember running the last 4 miles incredibly slow. It was raining and freezing and I had already thrown away my hoodie. I remember thinking it was a blizzard. I also remember that I was running with Ms. Rimando and she called all the people at the very end of the race— there were people [supporters] lined up on either side and she called all of them to scream my name so at the very end I heard “go Sarah!” from all these people and strangers.

If you could be a food, what would you be?

I’d be a peanut butter banana smoothie.

Quick Favorites:

Color: Purple. I like dusty purple because it is dusty :)

Subject: Physics and math. Math is usually my favorite subject in school, especially calculus. I like subjects with concrete answers. I esp[ecially like physics this year because I can see how it’s connected to calculus.

Stationary: I really like my calculator, my TI-84 calculator, I can't go anywhere without it

Animal: A pig! They seem happy (in cartoons at least)

Season: Summer because the days are long and there is less stress in the summer

Article of clothing: I like socks. I like that I can be creative my socks (i.e. animals, etc.)

Place to study: Cafes! I love going to panera! I like how there's just enough noise so that I stay awake but not too much noise that it’s distracting.