Senior Spotlight: Dallas Harris (12-2)

Helena Saven (12-4)

Photo courtesy of Helena Saven (12-4)

Where did your passion for volleyball originate?

I fell in love with volleyball after I started managing the girls’ team. After that, I began watching the national games and championships. I was like, “Wow, that’s pretty cool.”

What’s your favorite memory with the volleyball team?

Last year we won a set against Central. It was the first set we won so I was pretty hype. And we got to rub it in their face.

What are you excited about for the rest of the year?

This year has been very mid. I am excited for prom. It’s both a good and bad thing that school’s almost over. I feel like I’m probably going to lose a lot of people after, but that’s okay I guess.

Can you tell us about your tattoos?

I have a heart on my wrist, that’s because I thought it was cool. I have an anime jawn thingy [located on upper right arm], and I have a sakura flower on my knee. I also thought that was cool.

Where do you see yourself in ten years?

Hopefully married with a good job, providing for myself.

What is your favorite thing to do with your friends?

Eat or play video games, or talk. Usually team base games.

What is the most unexpected thing in your backpack or locker?

I have a lot of dried up gum because a pack exploded and I don’t feel like cleaning it.

What’s something you’d like to change about your current lifestyle?

I would like to get more sleep. That’s a major thing. I lack sleep this year because I’m trying to balance work, school, and leisure. It is really difficult to get sleep when I’m trying to enjoy myself.

What have you learned from working at Chipotle?

I recently got promoted! I’m now a certified trainer so I teach new people. I’ve learned to be more understanding. I have a lot of LGBTQ+ coworkers and one of my coworkers has autism, so it’s made me understand different perspectives and deal with different people. I’ve been there for almost nine months.