Senior Spotlight: Simon Shapiro (12-4)

Isabel Portner (12-3)

Photo courtesy of Simon Shapiro (12-4)

What clubs or activities do you do at Masterman?

I am a part of the orchestra and I am an off member of the Harry Potter club courtesy of our lovely William Taylor. We watch movies, so yeah we’re pretty intense. I recently began to appreciate my role in the orchestra, because over the past quarantine period I was not participating in it. I didn’t really enjoy it when we were submitting audio clips for virtual orchestra which is why I didn't do it. But I really missed that group environment and being able to be something bigger. I’ve never really gotten that aspect anywhere else in my life so I really appreciate Ms. Neu and the orchestra.

What are your favorite hobbies or activities outside of school?

I do a lot of stuff, which has recently been cut down. Honestly, I just really like laying down and watching Netflix sometimes because it's such a rarity these days. There's so much stuff going on, so I haven’t watched a good show in forever. I just finished watching a Hulu show called “The Great,” about Catherine the Great, a Russian empress. It's not true to history, but it's still pretty funny. Highly recommend it.

If you could live anywhere, where would it be?

A small town in Italy with nice scenery and architecture. Overall, I'd live in any medium-small town in Europe, because I have this recurring image of me sitting on a porch step with a winding alley, alongside townhomes, grape vines and cypress trees.

If you change something about Masterman, what would you change?

I wouldn’t change anything about the mice population here - the more the merrier I’d say. I would like for Masterman to be closer to my house, because I live an hour away. If I could add a course, I’d add a music writing class to teach composing and the opportunity to put your own creativity into music.

Any plans for this holiday season?

I will be working as Santa Clause every day of winter break. Our company does interactive game play and scenarios for kids. We usually go to their houses or set up our own rest place and they come to us. I won't exactly be what you’d call a mall Santa.

Favorite memory at Masterman?

My favorite memory would probably be the Shrek Musical. I liked going home late at night after practice.

What keeps you going throughout the day?

Not recently, but maybe two months ago because right now after school I tend to do college stuff and then don't do it. For the first few months of the school year, I would hang out with my friends pretty much every day after school. We’d go eat and play basketball. That anticipation would keep me going throughout the day. Now, honestly, if I have a quiz in a class I actually like that day better. Even if I bomb that quiz. It kind of gives me an adrenaline rush. I think it's better to live with great highs and lows than living a flat line.

What's your favorite place to go to in Philly?

Pennypack, because I grew up in that area. My grandma and my mom always took me there. It was kind of a magical place - especially in autumn when the foliage would fall. It's such a big place so now I can still find areas to discover there.