Farewell, Ms. Tooke

Kaddy Ren (10-3) & Laura Dragomir (10-1)

Ms. Tooke started her career at Masterman six years ago when she began coaching the boys’ and girls' tennis teams. After two years at the school, she became a health and physical education teacher as well. Ms. Tooke has led the boys’ tennis team to state championships for three consecutive years, and in 2022, she won the Pennsylvania Boys' Tennis Coach of the Year by PIAA. Acclamations aside, her efforts as a coach go above and beyond, and her impact as a community member cannot be understated. 

Unfortunately, Ms. Tooke is uncertain of what the future of her career will look like. Due to gym department cuts for the upcoming year, there will only be three staff members in the department going forward. Though she began coaching without an official position as a teacher, she says that her future as a coach at Masterman depends on whether or not she can secure a job in the school district in the following years.

Before her career at Masterman, Ms. Tooke played Division 1 tennis in college, as well as basketball and field hockey. Ms. Tooke reflects on her decision to focus mainly on tennis and pursue a career in that sport, saying that, “It certainly has opened up a lot of doors.” These opportunities included teaching tennis locally for years after she graduated college. 

Although Ms. Tooke never thought she would end up as a teacher, she has always had a passion for health and wellness. She went back to get her physical education certification around 20 years ago and joined the Philadelphia School District 18 years ago. This year, she has taught a total of 16 health and gym classes, nearly the size of the entire high school. 

Ms. Tooke acknowledged how grateful and proud she is of her tennis teams and the staff at Masterman. She says that working with the physical education staff especially has brought her immense joy and that she will miss everyone. She made sure to express “a special heartfelt thank you to the best health and physical education department ever.”

Her original intentions of coaching tennis and forming a deep connection to the sport have led to the extremely strong bonds she shares with her players. When asked about her coaching style, Ms. Tooke emphasized values that she believes apply to real life: “The work ethic, time management, compromise, goal-setting, translates into real life off the court. Especially the kids here at Masterman, they have so much going on. It takes a lot to be in such a rigorous curriculum while balancing a varsity sport. It’s commendable and [those values] will lend themselves to you as you move through your high school and college years. Work hard and good things happen.”

In regards to the future Masterman tennis, Ms. Tooke expressed her gratitude and optimism. “Like any team, it’s going to go in waves. I just happened to walk in on a great group of girls and boys. My hope is that it continues to do well and continues to be a source of friendship… something that adds to the high school experience,” she says. When considering who might coach next year, Ms. Tooke told us that “There are special people here [who have] the best intentions to make a good leader.”

Players from the boys’ and girls’ tennis teams expressed their gratitude for Coach Tooke. 

Jia-Ming Gong (10-2), who joined the tennis team his freshman year, recalls that Coach Tooke first taught him to serve: “I was super nervous to join [the team], and at one of the first practices she told us to practice serving. She was patient with me, and she’s the reason I know how to serve now.”

Senior co-captain of the girls' tennis team, Naomi Kassahun (12-2), commented on the impact Ms. Tooke has had on her: “[She] has been my coach since freshman year, and I can't express how grateful I am to have spent these past four years under her guidance. She has become my go-to person, someone I can count on to talk about anything, no matter how small or big. The bond I've formed with Tracy is undeniably one of the strongest connections I've made with any Masterman staff. It saddens me to hear that she's leaving, but I have no doubt that she will thrive wherever she goes.”

Ms. Tooke not only taught the technical aspects of tennis, but also served as a mentor, offering guidance, support, and encouragement during both victories and defeats. Her love for her students shines through the challenges being faced today. Her optimism and patience have built foundational values in the young people at Masterman and will continue to be held dear for years to come. Her legacy shall be remembered in the numerous trophies and plaques she has led Masterman to win and, most importantly, all of the people she has impacted. 

As Ms.Tooke points out in her interview, “One door closes, another door opens. Sometimes it’s painful but you have to try and embrace that.” 

Sincerely from Masterman, we love Ms. Tooke and wish her luck in the next chapter!