October Issue

Dr. Payne: Here to Change the Game

Natalia Bieszczad (10-4) & Hope Applegate (10-2)

Disney World and Algebra: Mr. Tolbert

Kera McCarthy (12-3)

Plethora of Passions and Countless Colors: Ms. Rowley

Annetta Yuwono (12-4)

Central Shooting

Sofiat Bamidele

The Aftermath of Hurricane Ida

Raquel Alamo-Rosas (10-1)

Lunch Procedures: Need for a Change?

Ayla McMoore (10-4) & Jolie Schrieber (10-4)

Mornings at Masterman

Gavriela Kalish-Schur (10-4)

Tyler Weiss: Coaching Change for Boys' Soccer

Noel Chacko

The Rise of FC Masterman

Kethan Shirodkar (11-2)

Laura Stevenson- Sit Resist

Calder Burke (11-2)

October Horoscopes

Sylvia Erdely (11-4)

Senior Spotlight: Jocelyn Chiu (12-1)

Isabel Portner (12-3)

Senior Spotlight: Michael Lowry (12-2)

Helena Saven (12-4)

Senior Spotlight: Malcolm Miller (12-3)

Helena Saven (12-4)

Senior Spotlight: Marco Nevers (12-3)

Helena Saven (12-4)

Senior Spotlight: Jiahao Xu (12-4)

Helena Saven (12-4)

Freshman Spotlight: Kaddy Ren (9-3)

Victoria Alamo-Rosas & Mehaad Bahar (9-1)

Kayla McCray Voices Word in the Halls October 2021.mp4

Word in the Halls: October

Kayla McCray (12-3)