Senior Spotlight: Anna O'Neill-Dietel (12-3)

Helena Saven (11-4)

What is the most valuable lesson you learned in high school?

To reach out to people. Reach out when you need help, or when you think someone else needs help. Make that study group, ask how that family member is doing, or plan that get together. High school is about the people you meet, whether that be teachers or peers. Sometimes you have to stick out your neck. It may not come naturally, but it's worth it.

What did you do during the virtual school year to make the experience more fun?

I spent a lot of time with my dog, I tried to go outside, and since I’ve been vaccinated I’ve been trying to make the most of getting with friends. And now I feel comfortable going to museums and restaurants, so I’ve been enjoying those as well. I want to get the most out of the end of my senior year.

What are you most excited for in college? (Anna is going to UPenn)

It’s twofold: I’m excited to be around all these passionate, interesting people my age who might be interested in exactly what I am or something entirely different.

Photo courtesy of Anna O'Neill-Dietel (12-3)

I can meet people with varied backgrounds from all over the country and all over the world. I’m also excited to have professors who are really into their field and doing research, and to have the opportunity to work beside them.

How did you decide on what to study in college?

I’m essentially undecided, but I definitely want to keep writing. I may pursue environmental sciences, that’s what I applied as, but I’m definitely just excited to choose my own classes.

Where do you find motivation?

Usually it’s in people, especially this senior year it’s been tough to motivate myself to do work, but I’m trying to because I like my teacher and I’m trying to be there for them, and show up, and do my best. It really helps to have your friends be involved in schoolwork. Especially in person, it was so helpful to do study groups, make outlines together, study in the hallways or study at lunch, even if it’s just shouting things at each other. You want everyone to succeed.

What is your proudest accomplishment?

Definitely graduating is exciting overall. I’m really proud of making it through some tough classes. Also, cross country! It's something that I sort of fell into, but it’s been incredibly rewarding. I’m really proud of showing up and putting the work in and being able to run at large meets like states.

On the topic of cross country, what’s your favorite memory?

11th-grade cross country states was fantastic for me. For me running is all about the people. I like running, it's very much a calm place, but I truly run because of the team. At states I got to hang out with them and stay in a nice hotel. I ended up sharing this giant suite with Avalon Hinchman. The girls team stayed up chatting. We just had a lot of fun.

What’s the best way to spend a lazy day?

Probably with friends, being lazy. Chatting and snacking.

What fictional character do you most relate to?

I just watched High School Musical today, so I’ve very much been thinking and reminiscing about it. As a kid I related to Gabriela, she’s kind of nerdy, and I wanted to be a lifeguard because of her. But right now I’d say Mary Tyler Moore, in part because of the whole journalism thing. Her character was so groundbreaking in that she was single and living and working in a city. I aspire to be like her: warm, confident, and qualified.