Artist Spotlight: Jason Zheng (9-4)

Isabel Portner (12-3)

What mediums of art do you use to create your artwork? What are your favorite mediums?

I like fabric-y things like paper and plastic to make looks really voluminous (and because they’re cheap). I also use anything and everything I have at home. I think using materials that mean something to you makes a piece that means more to other people.

What’s your favorite aspect of drag?

Honestly, the community...I think putting labels like “drag” on art is kind of pointless since it all overlaps so much and is really just about expression and creativity. That being said, being classified as a drag queen is so nice because there are supportive (and really gay) online communities that are centered around drag/queer culture that I dont think I’d be a part of otherwise. Drag isn't just an art form, it has dense layers of community, performance, history, and freedom, that's why I love it. (The stares too!)

Photo courtesy of Jason Zheng (9-4)

When was the first time you found your passion in drag?

It was definitely all because of my friend in 7th grade. He really taught me everything about drag when I had no clue it existed. I just thought it was so unique and kind of combined everything I really like into one.

Who/What are your artistic inspirations?

I wouldn't say I really use a ton of outside inspiration. I like designers such as Iris Van Herpen, Mugler, and other queens of course, but really everything comes from my own head. It’s concepts like depression and alienation I want to express. If I had to choose one it would definitely be Salvia (I have no clue how to describe her: just look her up). Her aesthetic is utterly insane.

As an artist, what is your favorite school subject, and why?

Definitely literacy. I'm a hardcore poet and I ironicaly kind of vibe with Ms. Rowley. I think poetry and drag definitely go hand in hand. It's just all creating and invoking emotion; I feel like nobody really understands exactly what it all means except me.

As a person who designs clothes and fits, what color do you think should be eliminated from the face of this planet?

White. No comment.

What’s a highlight of your day at Masterman?

When I'm alone at lunch I sometimes go onto the patio and it's all empty and cool and it's just like leaves and objects blowing around.