Senior Spotlight: Renkai Luo 

Brady Santoro 12-3

Photo courtesy of Brady Santoro (12-3)

Worst Masterman memory?

Oh boy. One of those was when I was taking a test on the fifth floor and the roof was leaking—the pitter-patter of the raindrops on the rubber trashcan—that was one of my worst memories.

What is the strangest thing that you overheard at Masterman?

“I may act like a clown but don’t you ever make the mistake of treating me like one”

-Mr. Borda

Strangest Septa experience?

I once had a rodent counting competition. I also remember that one father and his two children who danced on the subway– what happened to them?

What is the worst word in the English Language?

The onomatopoeia for the guttural shrieking of a plastic box when you press on it hard enough. Also, pedant.

What is the most surprising thing you have ever done?

As a ten-year-old, I once got a waitress’ phone number. 

Advice for your eight-year-old self?

Spray crepe paper on the pair of white shoes you will get in two years. Do not run in the muddy field with them on– that was gruesome to look at afterward. Do not experiment with Lenaya Tucker’s name– I saw my life flashing before my eyes then.

What is your worst earworm?

Every so often, I get the Rickroll tune in my head and I start whistling it and I get weird looks in the hallway. 

What brings you the most joy in life?

Being able to pass out at 5 PM and being able to nap for two years without consequences. 

Favorite practical joke?

If I had to play a prank on someone, I would play a prank on Olivia [my girlfriend] and bring her to a room completely made of cake and see what happens. Sometimes you want to bring a little existential dread on someone– I am just a bit curious. At least once in my lifetime, I want someone to find themselves in a room made out of cake and I want to see the moment they realize that there is nothing they can do about it. Defenestration is rather tame in this day and age, anyway.

What is the most vicious prank you’ve seen?

One of my physics classmates dropped another classmate’s mom’s phone number in casual conversation. Now it’s a running joke.