Editors' Note

Hi Masterman,

When we started this issue, it was just like any other. We were meeting weekly in room 103 and working after school. We were planning to publish this issue physically. When school closed, we were faced with the issue of what to do about Voices in the midst of a global pandemic. While we didn’t want to push any of our writers to write during this strange time, we also figured that it might be a refreshing bit of normalcy and connection for the Masterman community to get their monthly copy of Voices. Boy are we glad we started this website!

This month's coverage features a mix of articles that were started before COVID-19 took over all of our lives and a few articles in reaction to it, though most if not all mention it in some way.

We’d like to thank all of our writers, editors, layout staff, and our wonderful sponsor, Ms. Gentlesk, who put in the time to create this issue. We hope that all of our readers enjoy the outcome of their hard work, and even more so, that you stay safe, healthy, and sane.

We’ll get through this together, Masterman. Hang in there.

--Nicky and Josie