The Winter Formal

Jocelyn Goldstein (10-2)

Outside, the Vine Street sidewalk throbbed with the beat of a booming bassline.  Inside, the rhythm and accompanying lighting filled the space and set the backdrop for what would be for many a highlight of the still new year. 

The highly anticipated Winter Formal, organized by Peer Counseling, was held at NOTO Philadelphia on February 18th. After being deprived of a Fall Dance due to various setbacks and cancellations, high schoolers were looking forward to a night of dancing, hanging out with friends, and delicious food. 

The Peer Counseling leadership worked tirelessly to organize the event and made it enjoyable for all. After much dedication and work, the event did not disappoint. The venue included a buffet, which served hoagies, and a bar, which served a variety of drinks. “The food was really good. I had a catered hoagie,” recalls Cyrus Fisher (10-2), “The music was so good though, we kept leaving from the food line to go back on the dance floor.” The dance floor was filled with uproarious students for the entire duration of the event. “They had a good sound system; the lights were fun, and the [strobe] lights were really good,” highlighted Cyrus. Perched above the dance floor, the DJ’s commanding view was rivaled only by the Blue Dragon decoration, whose watchful eye oversaw the mayhem of the mosh pit. “I loved dancing. The music was good and the energy skyrocketed,” noted Grace Maroon (12-3). 

Photo courtesy of Jocelyn Goldstein (10-2)

Photo courtesy of Jocelyn Goldsteino (10-2)

Students reflected on the night, holding the dance in the highest regard: “Definitely the best school dance that Masterman has ever thrown,” commented Elena Giannoumis (12-3). Haley White (12-1) shared this sentiment: “Hands down the best.”

Prompted by a chanting crowd, the DJ concluded the night with an Ice Spice hit, setting the already rambunctious crowd into a frenzy. From there, the house lights calmed the exhausted dancers and indicated the event had come to an end. The traffic snarl at the coat rack was perhaps the only minor setback to an otherwise seamless evening. Filing out of the building and back onto the city streets, the students said their goodbyes and disappeared into the crisp chilly night, concluding another successful Winter Formal.