Josie's Farewell Letter

Josie Rosman (12-4)

Photographed by Theo Wyss-Flamm (12-4)

Dear Masterman,

Like with everything else, this isn’t how I planned to say goodbye to Voices. Still, I have a lot to say, and I’m glad I still have the space to do so.

I started writing for Voices as a freshman. I was quite shy, and doing interviews (one of the key parts of writing for any newspaper) was nerve wracking for me. It was the Editor-in-Chief at the time, Diana Meyers, who coached me through that first year and helped me build up both my confidence and my journalistic writing skills. As I’ve moved from a writer to a section editor to Co-Editor-in-Chief throughout my years in Voices, I’ve continued to develop these tools, and I’ve been honored to be able to help cultivate these traits in other writers and editors. I leave Voices as a more confident, eloquent, and connected person.

Part of what’s so lovely about Voices is that it’s one of the few things that connects the whole high school; almost everyone in school works on, has been interviewed for, and/or has read Voices. Only as I’m leaving Masterman am I truly able to appreciate the community we have at 1600 Spring Garden Street. I’m glad I’ve had the opportunity to contribute to it through Voices.

Not only does Voices contribute to our greater Masterman community, but Voices is a beautiful community within itself. I’d like to thank our brilliant sponsor Ms. Gentlesk; you do not get enough credit for how hard you work for Voices each and every month, and I want to thank you for believing in us, guiding us, and letting us try new things. Our Editorial team this year was absolutely incredible (Sophia and Faith, you guys are the best; Anna and Maeve, you were absolutely wonderful Editors from day one) and there is no one I’d rather have led beside than Nicky, who is brilliant and creative and much better at using Instagram than I am. I’d also like to thank Angel and Oona (our layout staff) and Theo (our photo editor) for their insanely hard work, especially when we’ve been right up against a deadline. And, of course, thank you to our wonderful, hard-working Voices writers; it’s been an absolute delight working with you all.

I didn’t expect leaving Voices to be so bittersweet. Over the course of these past years Voices has become a bigger and bigger part of my life, and I hate to say goodbye. And yet I know that this is the way these things go, and I also know that this next year is going to be excellent. Ms. Gentlesk, I know that you’ll continue to make Voices flourish; Anna and Maeve, I know you are going to be wonderful leaders; Lola and Lucy and Laura and Tal, I know you are going to be dedicated, constructive editors; Helena and Maia, thank you for taking over layout; and to all the rest of our writers and creators, good luck and keep being amazing.

I can’t wait to see where Voices (and Masterman) goes next year.

Have a good summer.

