Senior Spotlight: Kesia Sam (12-3)

Le-Qi Tang (12-4)

Photo courtesy of Kesia Sam (12-3)

How has senior year been?

It’s nice seeing everyone after so long. It’s also really stressful having to balance regular school and things for college.

What are you looking forward to this year?

I look forward to senior activities like prom and also being able to spend time with my friends.

How would you describe your year in one word?


What is your favorite memory?

One of my favorite memories at Masterman is winning spirit week back in 9th grade. It was our first year winning, and it was really exciting to see how everyone worked together.

What are your activities and what do you like most about them?

This year I’m co-leading DOSA. I enjoy talking to other people that share similar experiences with me, or even talking about certain topics that others may not understand. I also enjoy working with people in different grades that I probably wouldn’t have talked to without the help of clubs. My favorite part of DOSA is the dances that we do, and our very first dance performance for international day 3 years ago is my favorite memory from DOSA.

What are your hobbies?

Crocheting and painting. I got into crocheting over quarantine when I saw a bunch of TikToks of people making little stuffed animals. I wanted to try it out so I went out and bought all the supplies and I really enjoyed it. I like to crochet amigurumi stuffed animals because they’re easier :))

What is your favorite show?

Hmmmm… If I had to pick one it would probably be Supernatural.