Boys Soccer Season 2022-23

Dante Daniel (11-2)

Photo courtesy of Jeff Linneman & Kevin Eng (12-1)

The Masterman Boys Soccer team had an amazing season last fall, winning the Public League Championship. They had a festive send-off with the entire high school, and they returned home with the gold medal!

This year, the soccer team kicked off (pun intended) the 2022 season with three blowout victories in a row: 6-0 against Furness High School, 10-0 against Mastery South school, and 2-0 against Carver! It looked like the Boys soccer team was unbeatable, until the Archbishop Wood game - where they lost in a close game, 1-0.

The rest of the season was mixed for the team. They endured a two game losing streak against Perkiomen and Central high schools. Central was a very close game, 2-1, which went into double overtime.

After enduring a fair amount of losses, the Masterman Boys soccer team was faced with pressure. They had to win against George Washington on Senior Day, or else they would be in 6th place, putting them in the most difficult playoff bracket.

Considering the team’s loss at last year’s Senior Day game, this year’s game was significant. It was a day to celebrate all the seniors on the team, and to win an important game for the season. Still, the motto of Masterman, “Dare to be Excellent,” rang true, as the boys went into Senior Day with their heads held high, and full of determination to succeed.

The game started off pretty rough. Both teams mounted pressure on each other, and neither team scored against the other. It wasn’t until the second half that a team scored… and it wasn’t Masterman.

Things were not looking good for the Masterman team. They didn’t have a lot of time until the game was over, and in order for them to have a chance at winning, they had to score. Time ticked by, and just as all hope was nearly lost, and it seemed they would lose 1-0, Masterman managed to score a goal and push the game into overtime.

Tensions were high as both the Masterman and George Washington players scrambled to get the second and final goal. It seemed like the game would never end - until Masterman finally managed to put one in.

Everyone sitting on the bench and bleachers erupted in applause, as a significant and intense game ended in victory for Masterman.

The good luck also followed to Junior Varsity, who also won their game. Since both Masterman teams got their victories, everyone was in a buoyant mood, as the Senior Day festivities commenced.

Hungry after their intense games, the Masterman boys rushed over to the table and feasted on pretzels, buffalo wings, pizza, and other delicious food sprawled across a table, while washing it all down with soda and Gatorade. After everyone had had their fill, soccer players, parents, and friends gathered around in a large circle to watch the speeches of the eight seniors. Their speeches were filled with gratitude, laughter, and hopes for the future. The Coach chimed in to give his compliments and regards for the players as well.

After the speeches, there was a bittersweetness in the air. Everyone knew that these seniors only had one more season before they would leave Masterman and go off to college to begin their lives in earnest. But all in all, the day ended on a great hopeful note for everyone. This game proved that all Masterman boys have it in them to win another chip.