Senior Spotlight: Virginia Yu (12-4)

Olivia Do (11-1)

Photo courtesy of Virginia Yu (12-4)

I’ve heard you play violin, piano, and do musical theater. Why is music important to you?

I’ve had [my musical career] for a long time. I started playing violin in 2nd grade - that’s nine years I think. I’ll definitely be keeping all of that with me if I can. I’ve learned a lot from music, like patience. Both violin and piano require a lot of patience. In terms of music you have to understand that nothing’s really gonna go right on the 1st or 2nd or 10th try. Everything takes time and is supposed to take time.

You’re also the co-captain of the tennis team and co-leader of Sweet Sixteen. How do you balance your extracurriculars with school work?

To be honest I’m not very good at time management, it’s something that I need to work on. I guess I don’t really know the answer to that since I don’t have good habits or anything. Somehow I feel like they just kind of happen.

Any plans for music and sports in college?

I’m not planning on majoring in music, but I do plan on doing extracurriculars. I have an orchestra-choir. I'll try to join club tennis. I plan on doing that stuff in college, but not as a main focus.

Something you’re thankful for?

With the pandemic happening, I'm thankful for the little things. I get to see my friends sometimes, and I personally don’t know anyone that’s gotten very sick. My friends and family have been safe during this time, so I'm really thankful for that.

Any advice for incoming high schoolers/underclassmen?

The main thing is to just know that things are gonna be changing. I guess just take things one at a time. You won't be the only one, because it's a weird time. Deal with it in your own way―there’s nothing wrong with that.

If you could summarize your senior year so far in one word, what would it be?

I’ll be lazy and say interesting. Most situations that are different can be described as interesting.