Senior Spotlight: Andy Nguyen (12-3)

Annetta Yuwono (12-4)

Photo courtesy of Andy Nguyen (12-3)

Who is someone that you look up to and why?

My sister Anna, because she’s gone through a lot and [she’s] gone through the same obstacles as I have. And she’s going to the same college as I am— I think that’s pretty awesome.

What are you looking forward to at Penn?

New experiences. We're in the same hometown but we’re looking at new clubs, new education, new everything.

What do you want to major in?

Political Science. I definitely want to work in the government and change some social policy.

What is your favorite sport?


What are some things that you think about while running?

I just think about my future a lot of the time. It gets me motivated to keep going and just to finish off the run.

If you could be an animal, what animal would you be and why?

I would be an eagle. It’s very patriotic but also, just the fact that they always fly and that they are always going somewhere.

What is your craziest highschool memory?

The asbestos ceiling tile that collapsed upon my head. I had a huge coughing fit and had to go to the nurse. It was in room 303 or something.

What is something on your highschool bucket list?

Man, I don't think so. I think I’ve accomplished everything that I wanted to.

What are some of your hobbies?

I enjoy reading, I enjoy just learning new things. So I’m learning to play the guitar and I’m currently in the middle of the Russian language.

What is something that you can’t live without?

Probably my phone. I bring that literally everywhere and if you don't see me with my phone then there's something wrong with me. It also has all of your passwords.

Describe your daily routine, what is something that makes your days enjoyable?

I love just coming home and just relaxing. There are a lot of things at home that I have despite not having the resources that many people at Masterman have. I get to practice guitar, I can read newer books that I’ve recently got. You know, Masterman's always stressful so it's always nice to come home and lie down.

Quick Favorites

Color: Crimson red (blood of my enemies)

Word: Kerfuffle - a tuff

Book: Crime and Punishment - “depressingly long”

Weather: snow, blizzard

Flavor: umami

Animal: eagle

Subject: AP Gov

Number: 36