Chris Rabb

Ebun Adebonojo (12-1)

Photographed by Madison Tyler (12-4)

On Wednesday, December 11th, Representative Chris Rabb came to speak to the African American Cultural Committee (AACC) about mass incarceration and what can be done about it. Rabb, who represents Pennsylvania’s 200th district, which includes Chestnut Hill and Mount Airy, discussed the circumstances that led to America holding nearly 1/4th of the world’s prisoners, including the over-prosecution of people of color and non-violent offenses, like possession of illegal substances. “He was very high-energy, and made you want to care about the issues with the way he emphasized the importance of state government,” said Kayla Gibson (12-2). “He talked about the privilege we have as teenagers, and how we can use our voices to influence our representatives’ decisions on future legislation.” Rabb also had the chance to answer student questions about issues like school district funding and the criminalization of drugs, and he even took pictures with a few 18-year-old seniors.