Graduation, Prom and Class Dues: How 2021 is Wrapping Up for Seniors

Maeve Zeleniak (12-4)

In a typical year, Masterman students would have had an end-of-year class trip in May 2020, a Junior and Senior prom, and a graduation to round out the end of the school year. As the world begins its second year under Coronavirus restrictions, however, this spring will wrap up a bit differently (again). To students and teachers alike, there is much ambiguity concerning upcoming events like Senior graduation. Says Faith Leonard (12-3), “I wish that [the district] had a clear wording, saying ‘this is what we want to happen’ instead of ‘what will happen’, because it doesn’t.” Though there hasn’t been a clear back-to-school plan from the school district, Masterman is still trying to make this spring special for those graduating this year.

Ms. Vecsi, the senior class sponsor, “was sort of like, ‘they deserve these shirts because they didn’t get the prom’”. She spent the afternoon of March 5 at Masterman handing out class t-shirts and beads, originally intended last year for the Class of 2021 to be Junior Prom favors. She noted that the 2020-2021 school year has been difficult for students socially, and hoped that monthly giveaways would help students’ wellbeing: “We knew this winter was very hard and that everyone’s stressed out about college, so [now] was a good time to hand them out… We had about 70 to 80 students come and I had a lot of real positive feedback. People felt it was important that they got to come back even to the patio. Some students said they haven’t seen their peers in over a year, so it was a good opportunity for people to see each other outside of the virtual world.” The school is planning to host similar giveaways: one in April to pass out what would’ve been 2021’s Senior prom gift, and another closer to graduation to distribute yearbooks, caps and gowns.

Many of the seniors have graduation on the brain. After spending a year isolated, students like Faith are both excited about and wary of an in-person graduation. “Having [graduation] to look forward to would be exciting, but I feel I’d be more inclined to go if there were clear regulations. Like, if it was families-only or only bringing a set amount of people… We’re graduating from high school. That’s an accomplishment to celebrate.” A survey on March 15th concerning thoughts on a graduation ceremony in the Masterman parking lot was circulated among the Class of 2021. It was clear from the results that Masterman Seniors wished to have their graduation in person if possible.

“That was actually from Ms. Brown, myself, and Ms. Neu,” says Ms. Vecsi. “We created a survey just to get info on seniors and graduation, trying to get some insight because right now… there's no guarantee it's gonna be in person. There’s a lot of people working really, really hard to find a way, there’s even people at the school district working to see if there’s a way to do graduations outdoors in person if they can, but right now I have to be honest: It’s all up in the air… [There were] meetings in the last six weeks to try to figure out what our options are. We have to follow cdc guidelines, city guidelines and the district guidelines so there’s a lot of moving parts to flesh out and go through…”

Since going back to school for a few hours for an outdoor graduation takes this much planning, it’s likely that high school students won’t be returning to Masterman during this school year. However, students in grades 3-5 as well as special needs students in grades 6-8 will have the option to go hybrid.

According to an SDP email sent to teachers, “students in this phase will attend school in person two days per week and engage in digital learning three days each week, beginning the week of Monday, April 26, 2021.” Even so, Ms. Vesci is wary of plans to move forward: “Even if the school district allows us to come back, it doesn’t mean everybody will be able to. Either way… we’re gonna make sure that people get their items that they’ve paid for in class dues and making sure everything’s done to wrap up the school year”.

And what about class dues? In a typical high school experience, Masterman students pay a set amount of money each year to fund class trips, yearbooks and prom gifts. Ms. Cruz, Masterman’s school operations officer, explains: “every year since 9th grade, dues are a set amount and every student would pay… the dues would cover more than just the class trip, whatever left over was carried. So when you send in your freshman class dues, they go into a file [for your graduating class. If] you spend $125, and the trip might have cost $60 or $65 per student, the remainder of the amount was saved… for senior year so all the expenses can be saved”. Since schools across the district haven’t held in-person events since that fateful March 13th, most of the Class of 2021’s dues will be refunded.

One thing made clear by both Ms. Cruz and Ms. Vecsi: Prom is not going to happen this year, at least under Masterman’s organization. “There is no school-sanctioned senior prom. We, the teachers and administration, have no authority to hold a prom. it’s out of our hands”.

On the other hand, many have heard of a parent planning committee, trying to put together a summertime “prom” after school is out. Faith comments, “I heard… that parents are getting together to do something for us, and I like that idea”.

Ms. Vecsi, one of the teachers on said committee along with Mr. Gilken and Mr. O’Neill, can confirm: “There are parents trying to provide a ‘Senior Celebration’ [post-graduation],” she said. “There’s going to be a survey Seniors are going to fill out regarding their comfort level to a celebration that would be post-graduation. At this point, nothing’s set in stone and it’s very ambiguous,” but students should expect the event to take place post-graduation. This survey is scheduled to be sent out on our March 26th publishing date.

Overall, Vecsi “[wants] it to be put out there that people are working hard even if you don’t have all the details. Please let the seniors know that people are working to do things with the parameters we’re given. As soon as we get information, we’re going to share it with you.” Says Ms. Cruz, “The sponsors and administration are trying to work hard to give Seniors something, it’s just that a lot is beyond their control right now.”

What Voices knows about the plan for seniors

  • Senior Giveaways will continue monthly

  • Graduation might happen in-person in the Masterman parking lot

  • Seniors will get most of their class dues back

  • A senior celebration may be thrown in the summer to replace proms