Senior Spotlight: Annetta Yuwono (12-4)

Niara Hughes (10-3)

What sports do you play?

In 9th grade, I rowed, which I continued until the spring when I started track. In 10th grade I ran cross country in the fall, swimming in the winter, and Students Run in the spring, but that got cut off due to COVID. During the virtual year I didn’t play any sports, but we had virtual swim and Coach would always talk about how virtual water would be incredible (but impossible). We focused on core workouts that year. This year I will be swimming and running with Students Run. Michael [Lowry] asked me if I would join Ultimate Frisbee, so maybe that too.

What is your favorite sport?

Definitely swim. I want to continue this year and in college- not competitively, just on my own. One of the reasons why I really enjoy swimming is the water; water is just calming and in all the other sports I sweat. In swimming, there is water surrounding me, so I don’t sweat so that’s really cool. Overall, swimming is just a really nice sport. Join Swim.”

Photo courtesy of Annetta Yuwono (12-4)

What is your favorite subject in school?

Something that would make one class more enjoyable than another is the teacher or their teaching style. Teachers say all the time when you choose your classes, you should choose based on the class and not the teacher. So that’s what I’ve been doing. What makes a class enjoyable to me is the teacher and their relationship with me. This year I pretty much chose all of my classes because of the teacher. Right now my favorite subject is AP Chemistry (and Civics and English and Engineering) but I like all my classes.

What is your favorite memory from high school?

I have no favorite, every day is different and I think those differences make every day enjoyable and memorable.

The craziest thing that has happened to you while you were at Masterman?

On the first day of school in my sophomore year, I went to AFAM (African American History) for the first period and the second period I had Precalc with Ms. Smith. She started out the class with her syllabus, stating how “math is not a spectator sport.” Then she talked about her plant and how it was drooping. She was like, “I don't know what happened. I brought it here two days ago and now it’s droopy and wilted. Does anybody know how to fix it?” Some people said you should give it more water. Then she said, “I hope this isn’t a bad omen for this year (2020).” The next period, at lunch, we had a fire/gas leak and we had to evacuate the school but most of us thought it was a drill or accident. We ended up staying outside the rest of our lunch period.

What are you most looking forward to after graduation?

I want to spend a lot of time with my friends. This summer I don't really have to do anything; it’s the end of high school and the start of college. Since I plan on moving away from Philly for college, I really want to make the most of my time here. I've been with these people for 8 years. It's gonna be sad watching them go. I will try to make as many more memories as I possibly can.

Do you have a major in mind?

I plan on double majoring in Chemistry and Psychology. I really love Chemistry. It's like the in-between between physics and biology and it’s challenging but a nice challenge. And Psychology just really interests me. Those two majors would help me in the future for the career I would like to pursue.

What is the biggest obstacle you've overcome?

When I came to Masterman, I was pretty shy. In 5th grade with Ms. Brunner, we would have a poetry presentation every Friday. On my first poetry Friday, I cried because I was so nervous and worried people would... judge me. But my public speaking skills have gotten better over the years and it's built my confidence. I wouldn’t say that it isn't an obstacle anymore but it doesn’t hinder me as much as it did 8 years ago. The teachers and friends I’ve had have helped me get this far and I'm really grateful for them.

What is on your bucket list?

I’ve completed items on my bucket list, like donating blood. I want to travel and learn about different cultures. I really love dogs and just animals in general, so I’ll become a dog mom. And I want to finish Grey's Anatomy, which I started in 9th grade. If I continue at my current rate (one season per year), it's going to take me another 14 years to finish.

If you were an animal, what would you be?

I would be a penguin because my friend group has this thing where we all are a Sumiko Gurashi character and I am the “real penguin” or the traveling penguin. The penguin is blue. I like the color blue and I think penguins are funny and cute and they waddle. They're adorable.

If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be?

Australia! Some countries I’ve been to are France, Germany, Hong Kong, and Indonesia of course. I have some relatives in Australia but we never had the chance to go. Australia just seems exciting and I really want to see a koala and a kangaroo.