Senior Spotlight: Oliver Dmochowski (12-3)

Dante Daniel (11-3)

Photo courtesy of Oliver Dmochowski (12-3)

You started the music production club and are a musician. What instrument are you most familiar with, and when did you start playing music?

I first started playing piano when I was 5 years old. I started playing because I saw a video of Justin Bieber playing, and all the girls liked him. So I wanted to learn how to play as well.

What about music production do you like? What is your favorite and least favorite part of the process?

I really enjoy the feeling of creating in general and pulling from things that inspire me. My favorite part of the process is when I find the idea and decide which direction I want to take it. My least favorite part is mixing the song and making sure that it will sound good on any kind of speaker. 

What kind of music do you make?

I like to make R&B, beats, rap and pop. But in general, I like to make music my friends will like.

Besides music and sports, what are some of your hobbies?

I also love to watch TV shows like Game of Thrones and How I Met Your Mother.  Those are two top tier shows.

What is your favorite moment on the soccer and baseball teams?

My favorite soccer moment was winning the PBL (Public League) championship and beating Central in penalty kicks. My favorite moment on the baseball team was one moment where I couldn’t pitch. I was sad, but seeing how the team picked up even though I couldn’t pitch, was so cool. Everyone was so supportive and it was a cool moment.

How do you feel about graduating? What is one memory of Masterman that you will look back at fondly?

I’m ready for new experiences, but I guess I'm just enjoying the time with my friends and trying to cherish my time here, as I don't want it to go too fast. One memory of Masterman that I will look back at fondly is my freshman-year winter formal. I had a lot of fun dancing with the whole high school.

From all these previous questions, you are definitely someone who has accomplished a lot in Masterman. What is your advice for underclassmen on how to manage high school?

Something I wish someone told me was to not stress yourself out and enjoy the process. Within high school though, while there can be a lot of downs, there can also be a lot of great moments that come with it that you have to make sure you cherish. I personally had to manage time between sports and schoolwork, which was tough, but what helped me was trying to write out an agenda and stick with it. While I say this, there were many times that I had trouble with time management because I got tired after sports. But you just have to push through! 

Lastly, here is a bonus question, because it is February. What does Valentine's Day mean to you?

For me, Valentine's Day means spending time with loved ones and eating chocolate.