Senior Spotlight: Isaiah Weekes (12-4)

Salena Cho (11-4)

Photo courtesy of Isaiah Weekes (12-4)

What’s your favorite memory from a school club?

The first thing that comes to mind is sitting on the ground at the SLA Engineering Shop for Robotics at like 7 AM on a Saturday. Everything was super hazy; I had no clue what was going on. Our robot kinda worked; it was a bit of a death machine, but I had a lot of fun doing it.

How are you spending this holiday break?

I am going to play video games with my brother, write my 13 supplements I have left, and hopefully get to hang out with my girlfriend if she’s available.

What are you most looking forward to in college?

For the longest time I’ve been a little delirious, yelling and screaming about wanting to be able to go to school in a big glass building that has a lot of money and a good slice of pizza. (No hate for the lunch staff. They’re great.) And I think that’s it! I really want to go to school in a big, expensive glass building and eat really good expensive food. What I’m least looking forward to is work-studying. I don’t like doing work; I like studying...

What’s the most important decision you’ve ever made?

The most important decision in my life was probably signing that random piece of paper my mom gave me back in fourth grade asking if I wanted to go to Masterman. I had no clue what a Masterman was; I just thought I was the smartest [expletive] ever so I was like, "is this smart people school? I’m smart! Time to sign :D!"

What is the most unexpected thing in your room?

A big accordion, a Titano 120 bass accordion. It’s my friend’s. I’m not very good at it, although I can play a little bit.