Senior Spotlight: Darlene Leohansson (12-2)

Isabel Portner (12-3)

Photo courtesy of Isabel Portner (12-3)

What is your favorite thing about dance?

My favorite thing about dance is that I have a space to create movement and art but also getting that physical activity component. It's just such a versatile activity and it really influences a bunch of activities in my life beyond just working in the studio which I do a lot. Outside of school, I dance with the Philadelphia Dance Academy and I do ballet, contemporary, and theatre. Every year we do two shows - the Nutcracker and an end of the year showcase.

What clubs do you do in school?

In school, I'm the captain of the STEP team with Mr. Tannen. In the STEP team we often create and learn routines together and we’ll plan events at school to perform at. Things like flash mobs which is really fun. I am also a part of ALCF - the French club at Masterman, and the PAU vote club which is really cool. I love Ms. Taylor because she’s so organized but also just a fun teacher. I’m also in the chamber choir.

What are you looking forward to in college? What do you want to major in?

The new environment to grow in different ways than I wasn't necessarily able to in high school. Not that I haven't enjoyed my time, but it will be a fresh start to explore new interests and new connections. As of right now, I’m planning on majoring in neuroscience and considering going through the pre-medical track. But, we’ll see how my interests develop as I start college.

Do you have any advice to your freshman self?

Freshman self you won't believe what you go through in the next four years. Like, nothing you imagined compares to what you'll go through when you think of the High School experience but you get through it. Really just spend every moment thinking about where you are presently because it goes by so fast - as people will always say and you don't ever believe it. Just enjoy yourself even through the tough times because it's a good time even when it's not good.

If you could change or add a course to masterman's curriculum what would it be?

I would probably add AP Psychology. I think it's a broad enough topic that a lot of people would enjoy the course but I also - I self studied for Psychology actually because I thought the content was very interesting - but I feel like you don't have to be super interested in the brain and the mind to enjoy psychology. It factors into everyday behavior and choices, and I think Masteman students would definitely enjoy taking it.

What’s one of your hidden talents?

I can do the worm...I don't know if that's a hidden talent but I don't pull that move out ever so I'll call it a hidden talent.

What is a word that you can never spell correctly?

I always have to really think about the word receive. I have to say the “i before e except after c” because it's always a word I gotta think super hard about to spell.

If you can guess, how many stairs do you think are from the basement to the fifth floor?

So say there are 12 steps in a staircase, do I multiply that by four because there are four staircases? (the staircases have an uneven amount of steps). Then my guess is somewhere around 250 steps. [Correct approximate answer: 126 steps].