Senior Spotlight: Chloe Doyle (12-1)

Gavriela Kalish-Schur (10-4)

Photo courtesy of Chloe Doyle (12-1)

Tell us a bit about your high school experience. What clubs/activities have you done?

Let’s start with clubs. I’ve been in volleyball since freshman year. I just joined the yearbook this year and now I’m the photo editor. I’ve run the yoga club since sophomore year. I’ve also completed NHD mentoring since sophomore year. My time in high school has been kind of a whirlwind, very confusing, very stressful. I love and hate it here. It’s a love/hate relationship. I think that’s kind of the case for everybody.

What is your favorite volleyball memory?

Honestly, the senior game was pretty amazing. Just seeing all the underclassmen come out and support us, and then seeing all the teachers sitting on the floor, huddled up together, and especially seeing Mr. Lebold watching us.

What is your favorite class? Do you have a favorite memory from that class?

Mr. Tannen’s math class was always pretty great. He’s just such a fun guy and we would just joke around the whole time. It was a really good learning environment; he was really supportive.

What is the most valuable lesson you have learned during your time here?

Definitely time management. I’m still so bad at it, but once I get into a routine and I figure out a way to keep track of what I need to do and when, it makes everything so much easier.

How has the college admissions process been like for you? How did you decide which schools you wanted to go to?

The college admissions process has been so stressful. My heart goes out to all of the incoming juniors and sophomores and freshmen. Finding the right school is also really hard because you have to think about so many different factors. I mainly focused on a school that was near a big city and an environment that was like Philly but also not Philly because I want to get out. I just wanted a more diverse community with a lot of different perspectives.

Who is your biggest motivator or role model?

My parents have been pretty big motivators. While it's a cheesy answer, it's true. They always want me to work hard and try my best. If that doesn’t mean getting A’s, that's fine. They've always been pushing me to do what I think would be right for me and what I’m passionate about.

What color would you be in a crayon box and why?

[At this point in the interview Chloe proceeds to suffer an existential crisis.]

I’d say a nice pale blue, it's just really relaxing to look at, there’s not a lot of vibrancy and sometimes that’s how I feel when I’m in this building. You just want to get through the day as calm as possible with no frills.

If you hosted a late-night talk show, who would your first guest be and why?

My first guest would be my homeroom pal Lauryn. But in reality, I kinda wanna have one of the Sixers players there. Matisse Thybulle; I love watching him play. He also seems like he would have an adorable personality. I’d also want to have someone like Khalid or Kendrick Lamar because I love their music, they’ve had such a huge impact on my life, and I think they would have incredible stories.

Tell us a joke.
