Masterman’s New Year's Resolutions

Bruno Beckham ('27) & Fatima Ndiaye ('27)

Need some new year’s resolution inspiration? Maybe you want to do better in Lebold’s physics class, or maybe you want to join a new sport. We asked the Masterman community what their new year’s resolutions were, and here are the responses:

I've spent much of my life living in fear of judgment..this year, I want to free myself and become more confident!

get my money up not my funny up

Join more clubs and find where I fit in

To get all As and stop procrastinating

Become a better basketball player

Get a boyfriend

My New Year's Resolution is to get rich.

To graduate

to actually understand discrete

get more sleep

Be more confident in myself.

Become Him

To get all As and stop procrastinating

Spend less money

Pick up a new sport

To become a better person than I was last year

Do better in physics

Be buff.

To get ripped

To get jacked as heck

Be better

Get more sleep

Learn a new Language

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