Senior Spotlight:

Noah Bradley

Interviewed by Katie Huynh (12-2)

Photographed by Theo Wyss-Flamm (12-4)

What is the most fun thing you did over the holiday break?

I went out to dinner with my family and as I was walking to the bathroom I saw a guy who looked like Scott Kingery who plays for the Phillies and I went back to the table as was like “YO JACOB (my brother)... Doesn’t that guy look JUST like Scott Kingery”. My brother walks to the bathroom and comes back like “That IS Scott Kingery” and my dad goes to look. Apparently, it was Scott Kingery standing next to Reese Hoskins...So that was probably the most fun thing from break. They were with their friends and family so I didn’t want to bother them because they’re real people, but it was still cool to think “woah we’re eating the same food”!

What is the weirdest dream you’ve ever had?

When I was little I had a dream that I was getting chased through my house by a witch and I was almost out the door in my kitchen, but I was frozen in shock. Then this witch comes in and starts dumping buckets of grape juice on me.

What is your favorite Masterman running memory?

It’s all about the little stuff, you know? Like the time Dan Bici mooned us while were doing 200s on Kelly Drive or just messing around with the team like talking to Owen Moss about [how] he owns three pairs of pants. Then obviously the big races and championships where we win. But I think for the most part, just hanging out in the 4th floor hallway or on the roof is what I’ll remember more than any individual race.

What is your favorite peer counseling lesson and why?

When AACC comes in because it’s fun to have new energy in the room and hear how smart and curious kids are about issues of race and privilege and things like that. It makes me feel good to see how well my kids think about that stuff and see them REALLY engaged in it.

What is your funniest Masterman memory?

The Mean Girls dance was pretty iconic, you know Max in a skirt and all. Matt breaking his arm on video. Also, anything Lucas has done over the years.

What will you miss most about school?

The familiarity. Knowing where everything is and who everyone is. I walk through the hallways and I know where I’m going and I know what’s around me, like everyone in the hallways, and I either know them or know of them or know someone who knows them. I see teachers and I can talk to them about things rather than just a brief “hi”, but real conversations. I also feel like there’s a big dap-up culture at Masterman and I like that I can just walk down the hallway and dap someone up as I’m walking by whether it be a cross country teammate or peer counseling kid or someone in my grade. I appreciate the familiarity especially in a scary big world.

What are you looking forward to after graduation?

Nothing. I’m afraid to leave Masterman, honestly. I’m scared that I won’t be able to find things I’ve liked as much as the things I’ve liked at Masterman and that maybe I’ve only been able to succeed in this one environment, which is scary. But more broadly, I’m looking forward to trying new things. I’ve done the same kind of stuff at Masterman since I was a freshman or sophomore, but in college I won’t have that same stuff so it’ll force me to try something new. Maybe I’ll take up an instrument or learn a new language, but that’s also part of the scariness of it. It’s like a double-edged sword, but there will be new stuff to do and I appreciate that. Also, eventually, not taking any more math or science classes.

What is your favorite cheesy joke?

Do you want a joke about cheese or a cheesy joke? No, I’m sorry. Um… I have too many cheesy jokes. A man walks into a bar with his dog and says to the bartender, “I bet you free drinks for the whole night that my dog can talk.” The bartender says, “Pff! That dog can’t talk. You’re on!” The man then says, “Alright, you’re on! What’s on top of a house?” “Woof!” “Who’s the greatest baseball player of all time?” “Ruth!” The bartender says, “you’re full of it! Get out of here!” The man walks outside and looks down at his dog disappointedly and the dog looks up at the man and says, “Do you think I should’ve said DiMaggio?”