Our Interviews

1. Voices is a public school system newspaper. What is your record and plans/policies for education and public schools?


I have an outstanding record of supporting education. Before my time as a politician, I taught low-income preschoolers through the Head Start program, sacrificing my time for the benefit of America’s future. I voted against No Child Left Behind, a Bush-era policy that has left our education system in shambles and our citizens less prepared as a result. I signed on to the Fix America’s Schools Today (FAST) Act, which would allocate $25 billion to repairing elementary schools across the country. My record on education is quite a long one, and while I can’t fit everything in here, my rating of 83% from the National Education Association shows my dedication to America’s future.

As president, I will fight viciously against discriminatory policies designed to disproportionately affect black, brown and low-income students, and reinforce the ability of the Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights to enforce federal law across the country’s school systems. I will prevent the flood of public funding into unregulated, unchecked charter schools which are as of now unaccountable for their actions. I will put in place a system of equitable school funding, ending the perpetual cycle of poverty created by a school system funded by property taxes, guaranteeing that no child goes hungry and ensuring a base annual salary for public school teachers starting at $60,000.

I also know that in today's world a college education is unfortunately a luxury for many. Which is why I’m proud to be the main proponent and author of the College For All Act which guarantees a quality, free four year college education for all while canceling student loan debt for 45 million Americans.


The next generation faces challenges like no other. From managing the effects of the climate crisis to the rise of authoritarianism and violence across the world, we need to prepare our kids for the future. To thrive, our children need the best educators, resources, and safe learning environments to ensure they have the ability to fulfil their promise.

The first step for student success is to ensure their educators can have the opportunity and stability they need to truly invest in our youths’ futures. I will make sure our teachers receive competitive wages and benefits by tripling Title 1 funding which goes to schools with students from low income families. I will also invest in teacher mentorship programs to ensure that teachers are trained and experienced in the classroom. Finally, I will restructure the student loan program to help teachers who are burdened from student loans they must take out to receive the education they need to pass on their knowledge.

Every student also needs access to resources and opportunities. I will triple title 1 funding to fund schools in working-class and nonwhite communities and ensure every student gets equal opportunity in our public school system. I will also make sure every high school student graduates with either advanced credits or an industry credential in their pocket. It’s time all of our kids start their adulthood with the tools required to succeed in this rapidly advancing world.

Finally, I believe every student has the right to a safe and secure school. How are our kids supposed to learn if they are fearing for their life every day? I will defeat the National Rifle Association to ensure that parents don’t have to worry about the safety of their children, and to be sure the children can feel safe enough to learn.

I will advocate for your children every step of the way through my presidency. I will fight for their futures, their safety, and their opportunities.

2. Voices encourages our writers to get both perspectives on a story. Are you able to communicate with people on the “other side” of any particular issue, and if so, how? Are you capable of bipartisan leadership?


My goal, in running for president, is to fix our country; to bring it forward to the 21st century in areas like healthcare, education and sustainability. I will be more than happy to work together with anyone, from any political party, who is committed to improving the lives of American citizens. That is reflected in my record, I’ve sponsored major pieces of legislation with Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley preventing Wall Street banks that take taxpayer bailouts from replacing laid-off U.S. workers with exploited and poorly-paid foreign workers. I worked with Sen. Ron Paul in the House to pass a measure as part of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street reform bill to audit the Federal Reserve. I also stood alongside Sen. John McCain to end the shortage of doctors at the Department of Veterans Affairs. I will not, however, sacrifice the real change that this country needs in order to appease politicians and lobbyists who would put profit over people. I will not allow myself to be stonewalled in order to be “nice”, as my predecessors have. The change that this country is in desperate need of must be built upon strong principles and an unwavering commitment to the wellbeing of the American people.


We’ve never needed a uniting leader more than now. The country has never seemed more divided, with many voters pushing for the changes they see as necessary in our systems and others just looking to return to the political stability we’ve known in the past. We need a candidate that will push for the change this country needs without tearing the nation apart, and I have shown that I’m the man for the job.

Throughout my prolific career in the Senate and as Vice President, I consistently reached across the aisle to get stuff done. I sponsored many bills that garnered bipartisan support. In the Obama administration, I worked with a Republican controlled congress to pass legislation and manage the budget. I spearheaded compromises on tax breaks for the middle class, higher income taxes for the rich, and a budget framework that places the same limits on military spending as domestic spending.

While other candidates are relying on Democrats capturing control of Congress and gathering a wave of support after being elected, I will work with Republicans and moderates to build progressive legislation that will stand the test of time and serve the whole country’s needs.

3. What do you plan to accomplish in your first 100 days as President?


My first 100 days will be busy. Within a week, legislation on Medicare for All will be proposed and we’ll fight to make sure that every American has quality health insurance and can afford the cost of prescription drugs. Legalizing marijuana is next on the list, an important first step in our fight to decriminalize addiction. That will be followed by a mandate to vigorously confront climate change, to shore up the nation’s labor unions and defend its immigrant populations. I would also be able to begin the process of demilitarizing the United States by scaling back our dangerous and expensive nuclear arsenal and reducing the enormous military presence we have in over 150 countries.


There will be a lot of cleanup to do from the previous administration that needs to be addressed in the first 100 days, but my administration will be sure to push for realistic goals so our country can get back up fighting. For the last four years we’ve turned our backs on the cornerstone of our nation, and that is our immigrant population. First I will reinstate DACA and end Trump's zero tolerance policy that lead to family separations so migrant children and their families will have the basic human rights they deserve. I will also decrease restrictions on travel from the countries singled out in Trump’s travel ban, address the stringent caps on refugees entering the country, and expand opportunities for immigrants in the US.

I will enact the VAWA reauthorization that stalled in the senate last year. This expansion to the acclaimed 1994 legislation I sponsored that allowed the investigation and prosecution of violent crimes against women would provide protections to transgender individuals as well as stop convicted abusers from purchasing firearms. This is common sense legislation to protect individuals that suffer from violence across the country.

The second crisis that must be addressed by the next administration is the plague of gun violence and mass shootings sweeping the nation. I have beat the NRA before, and I will do it again. I will direct my Attorney General to deliver to him within his first 100 days a set of recommendations for restructuring the ATF and related agencies to most effectively enforce our gun laws, direct my Cabinet to conduct a review of all federal programs that directly serve communities likely to experience violence and identify reforms, and get a report from the FBI on how to close the “Charleston loophole”. It’s absolutely essential that we address the root cause of so much of the violence that’s devastating our nation from a federal level.

The previous administration’s willful negligence has burned years in our fight against the Climate Crisis. As soon as I’m elected I will re-enter the Paris Agreement. The Paris Agreement’s 2 degree threshold, however, is not enough alone. I will convene a climate world summit with the leaders of the major carbon-emitting nations of the world to persuade them to join the United States in fighting climate change and lock in enforceable international agreements to reduce emissions in global shipping and aviation. We must be proactive to save our world for our children and their children after that.

And, while all of this is in motion, I will get to work on the other policies and legislation that the American people want.

4. Why are you uniquely qualified to be President?


This country needs a president with a bold vision, a vision of an inclusive future. America is at a crossroads, and has been presented with a choice. The choice between lifting millions out of poverty, or returning to the status quo that so callously shoved them into poverty.

In terms of experience, I am the best of both worlds. Having served in the United States Congress for nearly thirty years, I know what I’m doing when it comes to affecting positive change in the capital. Yet I have always been an activist, fighting for the rights of the oppressed and impoverished; that does make me a bit of an outsider in Washington. This is clearly reflected in my platform, which contains a clearly outlined plans for the biggest problems facing America today. I am prepared to uphold the duties of the office of President, which are first and foremost defending all Americans, regardless of race, creed, sexuality, income or political orientation.


I am the most qualified person in the country to become President. I have the experience to re-establish the stability and leadership this country needs, and I have bipartisan negotiation chops to advance a progressive agenda to make this country great for us all.

I’ve served 6 terms in the Senate and 8 years as Vice-President during the best democratic administration in the past 20 years. I was the primary sponsor of 42 enacted bills during my time as Senator, and chaired important committees such as the Senate Judiciary Committee. I helped pass the Brady Bill, a major milestone for gun legislation. I was the first senator to introduce climate change legislation. I supported marginalized communities, and I came out in favor of same sex marrage before Obama, pushing his hand in support of the LGBTQ+ community. I served as the voice of the American working class in the Obama administration, and worked with the Republican congress to pass bipartisan budget deals.

What we need now is a president who can get stuff done. Our government has not functioned well in four years. With my experience and skills I can lead our country out of this gloomy twilight and into a brighter future. I’ve got the resume, all I need is your vote.

5. Why should Voices endorse you?


For as long as I have lived, I have fought to uplift the voices of the young people of America (which is, to say, a very long time!). Increasing the input and activism of our youth has always been one of my greatest commitments, as their unique and incredibly value viewpoints are far too often ignored in American politics. I have already been endorsed by a number of fantastic youth voices, from the Sunrise Movement, to Dreamers like Rodrigo Pimentel and political activists like Xiuhtezcatl Martinez. My candidacy has gotten millions of young people excited about the political system and optimistic that they can make a change. I have done more than any other candidate in this race to foster student dialogue and engagement, and my devotion to this responsibility clearly establishes me as the candidate deserving of Voices’ endorsement.


Voices should endorse me because I have and will consistently advocate for the free press in America. Today’s world has seen attacks against journalism like never before. The current presidential administration, the general public, and foriegn actors have all threatened journalistic integrity, the essential role of the press and the safety of journalists in our democracy, and I believe that must end.

The first place I will start is the White House. Day one as President, I will return to daily press briefings at the White House, U.S. Department of State, and U.S. Department of Defense. I believe the government derives power from the people, and the people must be informed through the press , something the current administration has sorely neglected.

The role of the press isn’t just threatened by the administration. The political climate churned up by President Trump has exposed a virulent and dangerous vein of anti-journalistic rhetoric. As allegations of fake news and misinformation circulate on social media and in the collective minds of the public, I have taken a firm stance on the side of the press. In 2017 I defended the press in a speech against the attacks that are all to common in this current political climate, describing them as corrosive and dangerous.

Our protection of the free press cannot just end at our borders. Across the world freedom is being threatened by censorship from oppressive regimes that censor the press, journal journalists and in some cases even kill journalists for using their platform to voice their views. During his first year in office, I will organize and host a global Summit for Democracy with representatives from all of the world’s democracies. The Summit will issue a Call to Action for the private sector to recognize their responsibilities and commit to preserving and protecting democracy and free speech, securing the world for journalists and the press.

Take a stand with me and take a stand for the free press in the White House, in America, and across the world.