Senior Spotlight: Hala Alhuraibi (12-4)

Ella Berman (11-2)

What is your favorite memory at Masterman?

Last year, I had Mr. Neale and it was his last year. We had a little goodbye party for him and it was so sad but so cute. I made him a poster and we gave him a bobblehead of himself. Miss you Mr. Neale!

What is the weirdest thing you’ve experienced at Masterman?

I literally have no clue if this was a dream or not, but I remember this guy (who has since left Masterman) telling everyone that I liked him on the last day of 5th grade. And I did not like him. I confronted him about it and he was all “I have proof!” and then walked away. I never learned what the proof was.

What is some advice you would give to your freshman self?

I was a really big procrastinator - I still am - but I think that maybe if I built that habit earlier of not waiting to do my work, I would be better off now. I managed, and I’ve become really good at getting things done quickly. Like yesterday, I wrote two pages within about an hour for my Temple class because I procrastinated the entire time, and I finished pretty early actually.

Photo courtesy of Hala Alhuraibi (12-4)

What is your favorite club that you are involved in and why?

I really like both Peer Counseling and HAAMS, just because I think that we don't focus on middle school enough and I think that we should. We should build a relationship between the highschool and the middle school. They're honestly just really fun to be with.

Which teacher at the school do you look up to the most?

Mr. Gilken and Mrs. Waber are both always there for whatever I need - I’ll text and email them. Also Mrs. Elana. All three of them, I have all their numbers in my phone and I’ll text them about literally everything. And they all respond within the hour!

What’s something you have yet to check off of your high school bucket list?

I feel like there are a lot of things, but I kinda want to ditch one day. I think that's really bad to have in the school newspaper, but I do just want to ditch one day. I want senior ditch day to be a thing. I don’t know if it ever has been but I want that to be a thing. I want to just not go to school.

What is your favorite room in Masterman and why?

This isn't really a room, but I like the roof and the patio. Those are my favorite parts of the building. I really like the garden, but it’s gone isn't it? I got so sad about that.

What is something that most people don’t know about you?

Ummm, I guess I just have a lot of little random hobbies and I’m pretty bad at like all of them. I like to paint, I like sewing, I like taking pictures, I like doodling, I like biking. Also, I like baking and want to start a family bakery with my sister.