Senior Spotlight: Angelo Sali (12-3)

Annetta Yuwono (12-4)

What is your favorite Masterman memory?

I have a horrible memory so this question is making me struggle. I’m gonna cop out and just say my favorite memory of this year, which was definitely the lip sync contest. Seeing all our preparation come together on the stage, it was so hype and definitely the highlight of my year thus far.

What are some of your hobbies?

I like playing basketball. I refuse to comment on my skill level. I enjoy a good hot chocolate from time to time, too. Not coffee though. I also like music a lot; I play guitar and piano and really like seeing others play music and I’m impressed with their playing.

Where will you be going to college? What will you be majoring in and why did you choose that major?

I committed to Penn and I’m majoring in I think Mechanical engineering but that’s not set in stone. Ideally right now I’m thinking about aerospace engineering (airplanes, rockets)-- I think it’s interesting.

Photo courtesy of Angelo Sali (12-3)

What are some things you are looking forward to doing in college?

A lot! There’s so much in Masterman that you can’t really do. I mean for the 10th best school in the nation it’s got like the 1000th best resources. It’s really lacking but you know, doing clubs, meeting new people, and just being my best self.

What is something that’s still on your high school bucket list ?

High school’s almost over. Something I’m really excited for is the senior trip— that just seems like so not Masterman. I want to play Nick in the backflip contest. Nick said he’s been practicing I haven’t but I still think I could beat him.

“I don’t think either of you can do a backflip, you guys are going to break your necks” ~ Michael Lowry

Next time we go on a picnic I’m going to be flipping all over Nick.

“Yeah, I’ll call an ambulance— let me know” ~ Michael

What is your favorite class at Masterman and why?

I love AP Physics. That class takes so much out of me. No, don't say I love— that’s too strong. That’s not the right word for it. I enjoy AP Physics. Plus, AP Physics is cool.

What are your plans for the summer?

I got 3 jobs down the shore because I have to pay for college.

I'm not a lifeguard— I’m an ice cream man, a salad man, and a pool cleaner. You know those salad bars? It’s like Subway but just salads.

What’s your biggest regret?

My biggest regret is that I didn’t backflip Nick earlier— I could have destroyed him if I did it last year and started practicing earlier. But my real biggest regret is not doing more clubs/sports because in the beginning of HS I really focused more on the academic thing. I got into the college I wanted to— or I didn’t get into MIT, maybe if I did more I could have gotten in there but it worked for the most part. But I wish I dedicated more of my time to enjoy myself doing things like clubs and sports.

Quick Favorites:

What is your favorite animal?

I like tigers. I saw Aladdin when I was a kid and there was a tiger.

Also Scar— he's not a tiger but he looks like a tiger and I really like the devious types in Disney movies

Favorite flavor?

Of ice cream? Rocky road. I really like the ALmonds (make sure you get the AL in ALmonds)

But if we’re talking about my favorite flavor of food, I really like nuts (specifically in my hazard bag) Because again if it isn't delicious it isn't worth eating.

Favorite place to travel to?

I really want to go to Hawaii. I feel like it's the perfect place to go: beach, jungle, cityish, volcanoes.

I really love volcanoes— lava is so cool. Honestly if it wasn’t so dangerous, I would take a bath in lava. Back in 2nd grade my teacher assigned like 5 kids to do a project on natural things and I picked a volcano and something about them— maybe it's the lava, I LOVE lava. Again, if lava wasn’t dangerous, I would take a bath in it. I mean I wouldn't want to legitimately want to take a bath in it because I don’t want to get encrusted in rock.

“You could get a bath bomb that looks like lava” ~Annetta

A lava bathbomb? I like that.

Favorite type of weather?

Depends. In general, I like windy weather because it makes life feel more fun— like I’m living in a movie because you know the wind’s blowing.

Practically, I don't like wind— like when I’m trying to do stuff. Probably like sunny but not hot— or rain.

Favorite item of clothing?

Because I’m a pisces I should love socks right?

I really like hoodie jackets (like with the zipper). But I don’t have many of those. I don’t have any actually but I do like them a lot though and I should get some— I’ll probably get some soon.

Favorite scent?

If it’s inside of school it would be the smell of Nick Waller (12-4)

I don't know what my detergent is but I really like the smell of laundry detergent. I feel like that’s a common one— maybe don’t say that.

I love the smell of pollen! You might not think that pollen has a smell but it does. I love the smell of pollen. You know why? Because people who have allergies can’t smell it and I just feel so empowered.