Senior Spotlight: Meredith Drasnin (12-1)

Gavriela Kalish-Schur (10-4)

Photo courtesy of Meredith Drasnin (12-1)

Tell us about your high school experience. What clubs/activities have you done?

I am very involved with the music program. We are actually setting up the risers right now for the winter concert. I’ve been in choir, chamber choir, and right now I am a leader for Sweet Sixteen acapella. I’m also in MFC, Allies, and I’ve been in the musical every year.

You are the lead singer for your band ‘Rain Delay.’ Tell us more about that experience.

It’s been my dream to be in a band. Me and my best friend Carrie, they play bass, always wanted to be [in a band], and we figured we have so many talented people in the senior year. It was a lot easier to ask because our grade has gotten a lot closer. Once we did, people were totally on board with it.

Do you have a favorite memory from past performances at Masterman?

I loved being in Shrek in 9th grade because that was my first part. I got to wear a giant puppet. Also my dress was really purple and sparkly, which I loved. I was in that with a lot of my friends so that was just a really cool show.

Do you have a favorite memory from high school overall?

Getting food during the show season with friends. Just seeing my friends everyday has been really great and I’m happy to be getting back to that.

If you could offer your freshman self advice, what would it be?

Don’t care so much. Everyone is worrying about their own thing, nobody is caring about you, in a good way. Just relax and try to have fun, don’t worry about how people perceive you.

What do you plan to major in next year? How did you decide this?

I want to major in musical theatre or vocal performance. I’ve always loved it and have known that that is what I wanted to do. I also really want to get into writing music so this year I’ve been applying for that and working at it.

If you could, where would you time travel to and why?

I might go to Ancient Greece. I love Greek mythology so I feel like I could fit in with that. Everyone’s just having a good time; I feel like I could have fun there.

What album/song represents your life at this moment in time?

Teenage Dream by Katy Perry, because I am a teenager right now, living the dream.

What are your plans for winter break?

To get lots of sleep. I really like baking so I’ll probably bake for my friends. And hopefully I’ll get to visit my cousins who have two puppies, who I’m more excited to see than my cousins themselves.