Jasper Senior Spotlight

Dante Daniel '24

You were on the swim team for the entirety of high school. What was this experience like?

In middle school, I swam for the YMCA. When Covid hit I didn’t swim for a year and a half. I feel like in tenth grade to be on a swim team again felt like things were back to normal. I love swimming itself and just like cross country, finishing a race coincides with a strong sense of accomplishment. I also love the community part of it, but the most important part is just being a part of a team. The whole team dynamic. It’s a great way of meeting new people.

What major do you hope to pursue in college?

I am in AP Chemistry. I know I want to major in chemistry and it is the best idea of a major I had since sophomore year. I’m interested in math and sciences, and chemistry is the one I enjoy the most. [There are] many areas chemistry is applicable to. You can do many things with it. I don’t know what I want to do with chemistry yet though. As I go through college, I hope to find specifically what I want to pursue. 

What kind of family tradition do you like?

Ever since COVID, like most people, I was stuck with my family and couldn’t see anyone else. My family and I would watch a show or movie during dinnertime, and that became a tradition for the weekends.

What was your experience on the Science Olympiad team like?

I joined the Science Olympiad during my junior year. There have been ups and downs—sometimes it feels like extra schoolwork. Sometimes it can feel like an obstacle. Then you go to competitions and compete and you do well and it feels great. I also did it because I wanted to major in chemistry but wasn’t completely set on it. I wanted to possibly explore other fields of science I might be interested in.

What are your favorite classes?

My favorite class is 10th grade chemistry and I really appreciate Mr. Comfort for helping me learn it and introducing me to chemistry. I also liked my African American History class. I think Ms. Taylor had a lot to do with my enjoyment of the class. She gave us a lot of hard work but I’m kind of glad she did. She really prepared me for the rest of high school. 

What is a tech crew like for you, as you’ve been doing it for six years?

I initially wasn’t interested in it. Mr. Comfort was my sister’s cross-country coach. Then I joined it in 7th grade and had a lot of fun. I love working with the musical and in the way that I want to—working with tech. Being on the stage wasn’t for me, so I rather contribute in a passive but still important way. It is the hard work of so many people coming together. It taught me about organization. Our part of the musical begins on the President’s Day rehearsal and we continue to work for a two-week period. I'm one of the leaders so I work together to organize everything and everything the director says about colors and lighting and I sometimes get a say in what the lighting is like. It is challenging and then when it's done it's amazing. It feels smooth. 

Now that we’re in March, high school is coming to an end soon. Do you have senioritis?

Yes. I don’t have severe senioritis but it can kick in whenever I’m really stressed about things. Sometimes I tell myself, “it’s almost over, I already got into college.” I try to push through that mindset and continue working to the end.

You played Volleyball 9th and 10th. What did that experience teach you?

I was really glad I played. I wasn’t good at it, but I was isolated before playing because of Covid. For a year I was cooped up in my house. I became comfortable with being isolated, which was not a good thing. Then volleyball happened and I was going places again, talking to people again, it was really rejuvenating. I initially was hesitant to join the team but I’m glad I did because it was a necessary step out of my comfort zone.

Did you attend summer camp? If so what is your favorite memory?

Yes, I did. It’s called Camp Wabun and it’s probably the most if not one of the most important parts of my life. It’s a wilderness canoe-tripping camp and this summer I went on a six-week canoe trip on the Geroge River in Quebec. I try to explain to people what I do there and what experiences I have but it’s difficult. It’s one of those things that you need to be there to experience it. My favorite memory is near the end of the trip when we were staying in an Inuit community called Kangiqsualujjuaq. One of the locals came in his pickup truck to where we were staying and offered to take us on a tour of the town. It was amazing to see how they lived so differently from us and it really opened my eyes. I would do anything to experience that again.

What is your favorite memory of being in the Cross Country team?

My favorite memory is playing ultimate frisbee in the parking lot of a Red Roof Inn. It’s one of those things that seem random and insignificant but is actually really important; I really felt like I was in the moment. It was also the first time I had gone to States which was a big accomplishment to me. To be in such an unfamiliar place surrounded by people I knew was an oddly good feeling. At the same time, I felt excited about the race the next day.