Harpist Spotlight: Maya Lindsey

Michael Samuel (11-2)

Photo courtesy of Maya Lindsey (11-4)

On the surface, junior Maya Lindsey may be an excellent student, but those acquainted with her know of a different story. On top of being an excellent student, she’s an incredible harpist. She’s been playing the harp for 3 years, and she has already made her concerto debut, played in several orchestras, and performed in masterclasses with world-renowned harpists such as Judy Loman and Elizabeth Hainen.

Maya was introduced to the harp in her 8th grade year, when a presentation on the harp was given for students. At that time, she had been playing the piano for 10 years, and she wasn’t looking to switch instruments, but she was immediately enamored with the harp, and auditioned to take lessons.

This presentation was done by the Lyra Society, “a program that brings harps and harp lessons to schools in the Philadelphia area.” Maya says that without the Lyra Society, she likely would not have had the opportunity to play the harp, and their work “is what makes it possible for me to participate in things like All-State and All-City… They provide not only an instrument, but also coaching and support… I'm eternally grateful to them for making that all possible.”

Now, Maya is a harpist in the Masterman Orchestra, All-City Philadelphia Orchestra, Philadelphia Youth Orchestra, and the Pennsylvania All-State Orchestra. Her proudest harp accomplishment is making her concerto debut with the All-City Philadelphia Orchestra after winning a competition for the spot (linked below). She attributes her achievements to her love of the harp and her support system. “I think I’ve been really lucky in that from the very beginning, I’ve had a great teacher, support from my family and mentors, and constant inspiration from people around me.”

Two harpists she admires are Maryanne Meyer, her teacher, and Elizabeth Hainen, founder of the Lyra Society. Maya’s goal is to play the harp professionally, and her ultimate dream would be to play as the principal harpist in a professional orchestra.

Photo courtesy of Maya Lindsey (11-4)

To people interested in playing the harp or any other instrument, Maya suggests that you always have a new goal to work towards and “make sure you’re having fun” and “love what you’re doing.”

Hear Maya play:

The Concerto with All City: https://youtu.be/qAKadyLZ36k

Fantasie sur un thème de Haydn: https://youtu.be/9U1-4NGjl08

Debussy Arabesque 1: https://youtu.be/PyMcLp7GKrM

The Lyra Society https://lyrasociety.org/