Guess Who? Masterman Students’ Anonymous Crush Descriptions

Curated Amanda Duckworth (12-1)

  • My crush is a 10th grade boy who runs cross country and track. Every time he finishes his race and meets me at the finish line, my eyes meet his captivating gaze, and I feel the passion in the air and on the course. His enchanting smile sends shivers down my spine, and I just want to embrace his muscular body and confess my love for him. I hope he feels the same way

  • heck yall its self love szn

  • He's quite beautiful in a shaggy manner. He looks like an abandoned baby creature when he's upset, his mouth slightly opened and hopeless gaze. Very unexpectedly caring and eyes that look like the brightest constellations you've ever seen.

  • Brown eyes - you know who you are. Prom?

  • Crush.. crush.. crush.. Where do I even start? Maybe I talk about your luscious curls. Maybe I go on about your smile. Or maybe.. just maybe: I rant about those big blues you like to call eyes. Have a great Valentine’s Day, Mr. Beautiful.

  • Really cute. Kinda looks like Mr. Perkins.

  • My crush sadly has a boyfriend but I still can't help having feelings for her. Whenever she smiles at me I can't help but smile back at her. Just seeing her or having her presence made my days at masterman.

  • my crush is tall, white, wears glasses, has funky socks on certain days of the week, has brown hair, socially awkward, is irish.

  • he is sexy. his name rhymes with 6. he’s one of them crew boys.

  • He is a strong, tall, black man. he is very good at basketball. he has 2 younger sisters. and a very cute dog.

  • my crush is an angel. she gives my life meaning. she’s the first thing i think about when i wake up, and the last thing i think about when i go to sleep. she is the girl reading this right now

  • Has sandy blondeish floppy hair and blue eyes. Also has braces and is quite tall. Doesn’t have an iphone, but can i get your number??

  • He’s in 11-4 and has brown hair, he plays basketball and shares a name with someone else in his grade

  • Has light brown hair. Runs cross country. Some would say he's a math prodigy. He's perfect in every aspect.

  • i have a crush on ninth grade girl, we were in the same class last year I love running into her in the hallways and her styles chillen, but i feel like people would judge us if we were together

  • Im interested in a 9th grade boy, he's a soccer and basketball boy, Sometimes i run into him if he takes the train and gets to school early, he has a goofy side but he's actually really smart and he has really good taste in shoes

  • She is the prettiest girl u will ever see. Her hazel eyes sparkle when she smiles and she's even prettier when she is talking about the things she loves. Her laugh sounds like bells and her hugs are the best ever.

  • He’s beautiful. Some would call him strange. Others would call him their best friend. I call him an impossibly beautiful anomaly. His eyes do not glitter or dance or sparkle, they pierce through you with quiet intensity. He is quiet, shy, but when he laughs, it fills the whole world with a sort of quiet joy. We may as well be polar opposites, one outgoing and energetic, the other shy and usually always quiet. He is the male equivalent of a quirky girl. He loves drawing, video games, and oversized hoodies. He is someone kind and affable enough that I wish I could be with forever.

  • he’s not cute and has a bad personality

  • he sings all the time, but in the way where he becomes the music, he dances a little to whatever song he’s thinking of so it’s probably not just me but the world seems to revolve around him in the best way possible

  • rhymes with bulian brichardson

  • She's the most adorable girl ever. She has long brown hair with bangs, captivating eyes, and a beautiful beam of a smile, the sweetest and warmest I've ever seen. Every time I see her my breath is taken away. Her voice is the best thing I've ever heard. She's the friendliest and most kind and caring person I've ever met, as well as the most hardworking and intelligent student and an incredibly talented musician and athlete and just person omg she's the best. And she has all of these adorable little motions and faces that she makes and every single one of them is perfect and she's perfect

  • Tall and skinny soccer player, cute asf. Does not like me

  • My crush is really nice and low key kinda funny. She has really pretty eyes and is always laughing. She’s a little awkward but in a cute way

  • She’s super silly and sporty. She’s good at literally everything, except arguing, which she likes to do. Wish I knew how to talk to her.

  • She’s a vegetarian. She is so cool, she’s about 5’5”. Her name rhymes with juicy (but it’s not spelled that way). She’s a 1/4 latina woman in STEM.

  • She’s half Chinese half Vietnamese. She’s super good at spanish. She is a little crazy but in a good way. She’s so cute ??

  • Mexican senior with a sexy spanish accent, runs HAMS, shakes a lot.

  • tall asian with nose piercing, glasses, curly hair, plays ultimate, runs hams, runs mfc, latina

  • Black Troy Bolton <3

  • When he genuinely smiles, it’s really heart-warming. He has a good sense of fashion. He is super sweet, funny, and caring in a way that makes him different from any other person.

  • She’s a baller. A really cute baller who always brightens my day