Anonymous Crush Descriptions 2021

Julian Rios-Martinez (9-1) & Yassmine Motya (9-1)

Happy Valentine’s Day! Below are anonymous crush descriptions submitted by high school students. For your viewing pleasure, we have included two different formats, one a question and answer format, and the other being more description-based. Both are fun to read, and we hope you enjoy them as much as we do!

Crush Description #1

What is their hair color?-Madison Shelton -From Lisel Ndrecka

What is their eye color? -I already said whomst it was

Describe their personality.- Platonically love Madison Shelton

What grade are they currently in? -11th

Estimated height?- Short shawty 5’ 5”

Have you been in their class before? If so, what class (section)? -Sadly yes, I remember I didn’t want to sit next to her in class freshman year and now I call her every day

What grade did your crush on them develop?- 5 minutes ago

Crush Description #2

What is their hair color? - A beautiful dark chocolate brown

What is their eye color? - Brown

Describe their personality. - They're nerdy and their brain is thick with knowledge. They're kind-hearted and wise beyond their years.

What grade are they currently in? - 12th

Estimated height? - 5'4"

Have you been in their class before? If so, what class (section)? - We met in middle school (5-2)

What grade did your crush on them develop? - I've been smitten with her since 5th grade. We're close friends but I yearn for something more...

Crush Description #3

What is their hair color?- black

What is their eye color?- brown

Describe their personality.- 𝘧𝘭𝘪𝘳𝘵𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘶𝘴

What grade are they currently in? - 11

Estimated height?- 6 ft

Have you been in their class before? If so, what class (section)?- 7-4

What grade did your crush on them develop?- 7th grade

Crush Description #4

What is their hair color? - Brown

What is their eye color? - Brown

Describe their personality. - He seems extremely intelligent and dumb at the same time! Like a golden retriever and will always be willing to laugh at my jokes— no matter how bad

What grade are they currently in? - He’s a freshman! (at college) 😳

Estimated height? - 5’8”

Have you been in their class before? If so, what class (section)? - No....

What grade did your crush on them develop? - 7th grade

Crush Description #5

What is their hair color? - I love Calvin Lo

What is their eye color? - I love Calvin Lo

Describe their personality. - Extremely sarcastic and an introvert who’s in love with Bolin

What grade are they currently in? - 11

Estimated height? - 5’9”

Have you been in their class before? If so, what class (section)? - I love Calvin Lo

What grade did your crush on them develop? - I love Calvin Lo

Crush Description #6

What is their hair color?- Black

What is their eye color?- Brown

Describe their personality. - Extremely funny

What grade are they currently in? - 10

Estimated height?- 5’ 10”

Have you been in their class before? If so, what class (section)?- Yes, 10-2

What grade did your crush on them develop?- 9th- now (btw is Madison Kajuffa)

Crush Description #7

What is their hair color? - brown

What is their eye color? - brown

Describe their personality. - They're really funny and easy to talk to, but also smart and assertive. They also tell the best stories and are just really interesting.

What grade are they currently in? - 9th

Estimated height? - 5'1

Have you been in their class before? If so, what class (section)? - I'd rather not answer

What grade did your crush on them develop? - 8th grade

Crush Description #8

What is their hair color?- black

What is their eye color?- dreamy creamy chocolate brown, staring into the dark depths of his eyes warms my soul

Describe their personality. - a lot like darren chen, but definitely not darren chen, nope not at all

What grade are they currently in? - 11

Estimated height?- 6 foot

Have you been in their class before? If so, what class (section)?- no

What grade did your crush on them develop?- before birth

Crush Description #9

What is their hair color? - dark brown

What is their eye color? - brown

Describe their personality. - somewhat childish, very mature, funny, can't make me laugh, annoying, very chill, sometimes i zone out when they speak, I love listening to them talk

What grade are they currently in? - 10th

Estimated height? - 5'3"

Have you been in their class before? If so, what class (section)? - yes, 6-3, 7-4, 9-1

What grade did your crush on them develop? - 7th grade

Crush Description # 10

What is their hair color? - Blonde

What is their eye color?- Blue

Describe their personality. - Self deprecating

What grade are they currently in? - 11th

Estimated height?- 5’8

Have you been in their class before? If so, what class (section)?- Not that this school

What grade did your crush on them develop?- 2nd

Crush Description #11

What is their hair color? - the most boring shade of brown

What is their eye color? - brown. just like dirt.

Describe their personality. - starts with m ends with adison shelton

What grade are they currently in? - 11

Estimated height? - about 6’6

Have you been in their class before? If so, what class (section)? - no

What grade did your crush on them develop? - 2

Crush Description #12

What is their hair color?- dark brown

What is their eye color?- dark brown

Describe their personality. - she's a caring soft-spoken ambivert who doesn't have many close friends. peaceful and a little nervous but well-intentioned, most of the time she seems melancholic even though she's always smiling. she loves nature more than anything.

What grade are they currently in? - 11th

Estimated height?- 5'4"

Have you been in their class before? If so, what class (section)?- I'd rather not answer

What grade did your crush on them develop?- 10th

Crush Description #13

What is their hair color? - Blonde

What is their eye color? - Blue

Describe their personality. - oh boy, where to begin. literally the sweetest person i know- always willing to talk to me. we talk on FaceTime together every night and no matter what she has going on, she listens to my problems and takes them seriously. she is so open and vulnerable and we have this unbreakable bond because of it. i trust her with my secrets and with my life.

What grade are they currently in? - 12

Estimated height? - 5'7" ish I think

Have you been in their class before? If so, what class (section)? - 8-4 :)

What grade did your crush on them develop? - 11th

Crush Description #14

What is their hair color?- Blonde. Dirty blonde. Like the wind-swept golden deserts of Central Spain.

What is their eye color?- Blue. Ocean blue. Gulf of Mexico blue. Like when you go down to Clearwater, FL to see a Phillies spring training game and then you spend the day on the beach afterwards.

Describe their personality. - She's a real sweetheart. Just all around, 100%. She's real understanding and very patient, even when she shouldn't be. And she's a sweet talker too. She's kind, and she's gotta pure heart, I ain't never met someone with a heart so pure in my life (Except my mom). She's got a great sense of humor, one I can relate with. She loves Jesus, and she's got her priorities straight. She's smart emotionally, and she's always there to comfort me, like a pillow for my heart. She loves trucks and country music, and she's always down for a long drive to nowhere under the July stars. So lucky to have met her.

What grade are they currently in? - 10th

Estimated height?- 5'2

Have you been in their class before? If so, what class (section)?- Never been in their class before.

What grade did your crush on them develop?- 10th grade, literally last month. Caught feelings over facetime smh

Crush Description #15

What is their hair color?- brown

What is their eye color?- brown

Describe their personality.- absolutely dreamy

What grade are they currently in?- 11th

Estimated height?- 6 ft

Have you been in their class before? If so, what class (section)?- yes he’s in spanish with me

What grade did your crush on them develop?- 5th grade

Crush Description #16

What is their hair color? - Black

What is their eye color? - Brown

Describe their personality. - Kinda of wacky doodoo. I don't know why I like him. He is not even cute. Kinda weird looking. He literally plays me like a deck of cards. He has a bad-ish sense of humor. Plays League all day. We don't even talk, but he talks to every other girl.

What grade are they currently in? - 10

Estimated height? - I don't wanna talk about it.

Have you been in their class before? If so, what class (section)? - Yeah, a couple times.

What grade did your crush on them develop? - :0

What grade did your crush on them develop?- It's hard to pinpoint - I've probably liked her since 9th grade and I think I realized in early 10th grade.

Crush Description #17

What is their hair color?- Brown

What is their eye color?- Brown

Describe their personality. - Jose Dasilva

What grade are they currently in? - 11th

Estimated height?- Approaching 6 feet

Have you been in their class before? If so, what class (section)?- I have english with him.

What grade did your crush on them develop?- Probably pretty recently

Crush Description #18

What is their hair color? - Black, rich, and soft

What is their eye color? - black like the unknown depths of the universe, occasionally glimmering with light

Describe their personality. - She has a beautiful laugh and brings delight to everyone she crosses. She is also very talented in almost all school subjects doesn't mind generously bestowing aid upon others in need. I developed a crush on her because she had many exquisite and irresistible facets that seemed therefore unknown to the world.

What grade are they currently in? - 10th

Estimated height? - 5'3"

Have you been in their class before? If so, what class (section)? - yes and I'd prefer not to answer

What grade did your crush on them develop? - 7th

Crush Description #19

What is their hair color?- Currently a beautiful greenish-blue but it's always changing

What is their eye color?- Blue :)

Describe their personality. - She is very sweet, caring, and thoughtful. She is incredibly creative and reflective. She loves to share her opinions and interests. She enjoys helping others and I really love that about her, among many other things.

What grade are they currently in?- 12th

Estimated height?- 5'5"

Have you been in their class before? If so, what class (section)?- A couple times. Late middle school and early high school.

Crush Description #20

What is their hair color? - Brown but it sometimes looks dirty-blond

What is their eye color? - Blueish green

Describe their personality. - She's the funniest person I've ever met. She has the ability to laugh at anything and to make everything funny. She is very helpful even when she doesn't necessarily know the answer to something she will always help you. She also gives the most thoughtful gifts for birthdays for someone who doesn't like getting them for hers. I have also never seen someone stick up for something they believe the way she does, she inspires me to be a better person.

What grade are they currently in? - 10th

Estimated height? - 5'4 but she says she's 5'5 to everyone else

Have you been in their class before? If so, what class (section)? - I was in her class in 7th grade and I'm in her class now

What grade did your crush on them develop? - I've had a crush on her since 7th grade

Crush Description #21

What is their hair color?- black

What is their eye color?- haha idk

Describe their personality. - sarcastic but really passionate about what they care about. They are really smart and talented, but don't like to admit it.

What grade are they currently in?- 9

Estimated height?- like 5'2 or something

Have you been in their class before? If so, what class (section)?- i'd rather not answer

What grade did your crush on them develop?- 8

Crush Description # 22

What is their hair color? - black

What is their eye color? - brown

Describe their personality. - idk what i like about him tbh, he has the worst sense of humor, plays video games for 1/3 of the day, doesn't stop teasing me, and swears he's my type but i guess he's right

What grade are they currently in? - 10th

Estimated height? - around 5'9"?

Have you been in their class before? If so, what class (section)? - I'd rather not say

What grade did your crush on them develop? - 10th

Crush Description # 23

What is their hair color?- dirty blonde

What is their eye color?- blue as the heavens

Describe their personality. - no emotion, annoying, really smart, robot, rude

What grade are they currently in? - 9

Estimated height?- 5'8

Have you been in their class before? If so, what class (section)?-9-2

What grade did your crush on them develop?- 9

  • He’s dirty blond and average height. Kinda despised him up until recently, but he’s grown up. Sometimes he still gets on my nerves, but sometimes he’s really thoughtful. Wish we talked more. With rona, I don’t think anything will come of it. Could be good for both of us :/

  • He's 6'1, plays basketball, and is a hurdler. He'll be having a deep conversation with you about history and philosophy, and then the next second be playing TF2 and CSGO.

  • she’s in tenth grade, we lost touch but I remember talking to her a lot before quarantine, she has such a big personality and always stands tall despite having such short little legs, talking to her reminds me of spring and squash, i hope someday she falls in love with me instead of a fictional character !

  • My crush has beautiful blue eyes, and is an emo girl I think. She has colorful hair that reminds me of this girl named Ramona Flowers. I hope she notices me, but after all I’m just a chemistry geek who dreams of cuddling up and watching breaking bad while eating vegan Mac and cheese with this awesome girl.

  • She's a cute wasian girl in 9th grade. She has beautiful brown hair and eyes the color of coffee. She loves to bake and watches shows like Gilmore Girls and Stranger Things. She's always playing Minecraft and scrolling through TikTok for hours. She is very kind and caring and overall a really cool person.

  • So lucky to have had her as my Spanish partner. Never gonna forget her fire Spotify playlists.

  • Tall girl in 11th grade, reddish brown hair, she’s beautiful and so nice

  • Mexican, kinda a gamer, he boxes and is so funny. He’s really cute but he is a bit awkward