Senior Spotlight: Tristan Bouyer (12-3)

Ciaran Yudiono (10-4)

Photo courtesy of Tristan Bouyer (12-3)

What is your favorite memory at Masterman?

I'd have to say my favorite Masterman memory is winning the swim public league in 9th grade. We had a very good team that year, and it was a lot of fun. I am very excited about swimming this year, and hopefully we will win again.

You are the best high school percussionist in the school and most likely the city. Do you plan on doing anything further with music?

I'm applying to music school. I want to end up somewhere good for percussion. Maybe Curtis.

How do you think the Masterman musical department will cope without you?

I think there are cycles. There will be other good players, and as long as the teachers keep up the tradition of good music and good teaching, then I think we'll be fine. Shoutout to Mr. Chuong.

How many instruments do you play?

All the percussion ones, so that's like… a million bajillion. I've dabbled in piano, guitar, and bass, and that's pretty much it.

What is your favorite room in Masterman, and why?

307, the one right across from the computer lab. I had all of Calc BC in that classroom. It's nicely conditioned, and I have a lot of good memories with my Calc friends there.

Favorite song?

Razor Love by Jeff Rosenstock and Laura Stevenson.

What is the relationship between you and Calder Burke?

Tristan: “Calder and I have a very complicated relationship. We have been at times rivals, and [at other times] friends. Through it all, the gayest of lovers. I am very excited to spend the rest of my life with him.”

Calder: “We will definitely end up married.”

If you were a breed of dog what dog would you be?

St. Bernard, most definitely.

What is a piece of advice for the kids out there?

To all the kids, here is my message. Heed my call. Work hard. Do what you love. Work hard in doing what you love, and everything will work out. Please stop worrying about college so much.