Senior Spotlight: Abiah Thomas (12-3)

Brady Santoro (12-3)

Photo courtesy of Brady Santoro (12-3)

So, you are one of the leaders of DOSA and DOSA is doing a performance for International Day. How has it been leading that? 

Truly speaking, I am the least-coordinated leader out there, so the rest of them did all the choreography and I did everything else.

You also lead HYPE- whatever happened to HYPE? Does that still exist?

Dang, I didn’t realize this was an interview interview. Does it exist? Yes. Is it active? Not really.

We really want to do a blood drive this year, but maybe not the Health Fair due to limited time. 

It is well-known that you are very close with Ms. Jones.

Oh. Heh heh.

How would you describe your relationship?

I haven’t seen her much this year because she isn’t my teacher, but when I talk to her, it’s loving, endearing, lots of laughing, like haha funny [fit of laughter]. No, that’s literally how I would describe our relationship- haha funny.

OK, who do you talk to? Who is the teacher that you have the best relationship with?

Probably Doc, cause I spend so much time around- I talk to him so often. 

Are you on a first name basis yet?

He said I could when I graduate but… that’d be a little weird. It’d be like heyyy David- yeah, no, that would be weird. We don’t even call him by his last name; he’s just Doc. 

On a medical theme, tell me about your career aspirations:

Career aspirations? Do I have aspirations? Uh, girl, you didn’t have to expose me like that. Well, I’ve been applying for Healthcare Management and Administration because I want to stick with medicine but I know a ton of people in my life who are already in medicine, and it’s hard, and my skill set is better for management.

So you are good at bossing people around.

Heck yeah. 

What about your little brother?

Heck yeah. Twiggy couldn’t stand a chance against me. 


What is it like having your older siblings away?

They’re not dead- I see them- if I see them. I follow my brother’s girlfriend on BeReal (I don’t follow him because he would never accept it) and I’m on her close friend's story, but he had to be told to follow me back. Because of that, I know what’s up with them.

What’s your ideal post-Masterman activity?


At City View or John’s?

I would die more likely from John’s pizza, ’cause of the amount of oil, so I feel like the appropriate answer is John’s. 

Anything else you’d like to add?

Y’know, I’ve been waiting for my interview from Voices for four years- I’ve been telling you since freshman year: WHERE’S MY PAGE? WHERE’S MY INTERVIEW? Here it is.*

*This is the third time Abiah Thomas has been interviewed for Voices.