Senior Spotlight: Aubrey Luu (12-2)

Dante Daniels (12-2)

What major do you want to pursue in college, and what do you hope that you’ll get from college ?

I want to work [for] Khan Academy. But, I generally want to work in education. I get a lot of joy from teaching others and helping others to better themselves. I want to develop more teamwork and cooperation skills and I believe that the internships at these colleges will definitely help me improve these skills in the future.

What clubs have you participated in?

I have participated in tech crew for the school play, ethics bowl, Allies, poetry, and CCP [Chinese Cultural Party]. 

What is your favorite club?

My favorite club is CCP. It is a really nice community and I love being there. I became really good friends with the leader Eric Li (12-4) and the other people there as well.

I know you are a manager at the Paper Plane tutoring department. What do you like about the experience?

I like the fact that I get to teach people. I want to become a teacher one day and teaching others is a very gratifying experience. 

The Pride Festival was really successful at Masterman. How did the festival happen and how did you contribute to the festival?

We just started talking about it in the Allies. We decided the date and then things started to kickstart. I would love to thank Leo Frankel (12-3) and Francis Jurlando for getting the whole thing started. I’d love to also thank Ms. Waber who really fought to make it a thing. I really enjoyed the festival and I hope Allies can do better this year. 

What is your poem that you read and why?

My favorite poem is Ozymandias by Percy Bysshe Shelley. I like the idea of expanding open-ended ideas into big ideas. Ozymandias is a work where you can take a lot of meaning from it, and I think it is beautiful.

What is your favorite class in Masterman?

My favorite class is AP Calculus AB. I really appreciate Mr. Tannen. I also love the socialization aspect of the class; I find it very satisfying when we go up on the boards and solve problems together with my classmates. 

What is your favorite moment at Masterman High School?

My favorite in Masterman was when I was up on the roof one day. I was staring at the city skylines and it felt so peaceful.

What do you want to get out of your NHS experience?

I would like to have fun and bond with others during my senior year whether it be by funding a blood drive or others. I would like to just make bonds with people I don’t really know yet.

What is your favorite horror or thriller movie that you watched?

My favorite is Buzzfeed Unsolved. It was my introduction to horror as a child. It really shaped my perceptions of horror.