Senior Spotlight: Lisel Ndrecka (12-2)

Gavriela Kalish-Schur (10-4)

Photo courtesy of Gavriela Kalish-Schur (10-4)

Tell us about your time at Masterman. What clubs and activities have you done?

My time at Masterman has been a little wild but I would say it was rewarding. I’ve been pretty involved in the community. I’m the president of World Affairs/Model U.N. here at Masterman; some people call me a dictator because I do everything. I do debate as well. I’m in SGA, it's pretty cool. I did coding club for one week my freshman year, and while I really liked it, it conflicted with other commitments. I do cross country, track and ultimate [frisbee].

What is your favorite memory from Masterman?

Winning spirit week during my freshman year. We were not expecting to win, we should not have won that, but then the very final day, that Friday, we all gathered in the auditorium. It went dead silent as the then-president, Alfredo, opened the envelope and said ‘and the winner, and congratulations to both teams, is the white team’ and everyone stood up, they jumped, they cheered. That was the best moment.

How have you changed during your time at Masterman?

I became more scared of failure as my time at Masterman progressed. Throughout my freshman year, I was open to a lot of clubs and stepping out of my comfort zone which was productive. But as soon as I piled on more commitments during my sophomore year and focused on success, it got to my head. At the same time I managed to outgrow that mentality. It was a period of growth, a period of tunnel vision, and then a period of letting that go and transforming as a student.The biggest change for me was learning that change is inevitable and to accept the growth that comes with change and failing. The more I internalize that, the more I think I became a better person and leader.

What are you looking forward to most about college?

I am looking forward to meeting new people and to new experiences. I think it's going to be like high school 2.0 where I am going to go in super open minded and not have any plans or set commitments and then just find my way. Here at Masterman, I didn’t think I would be president of World Affairs, I didn’t think I would be in debate, I didn’t start off with any of the clubs I’m in now and that aspect of not knowing and developing your path along the way as opportunities arise is exciting. I am also excited to meet cool people, there are going to be people from all over the country wherever I go.

If you could give advice to your freshman self, what would it be?

I liked my freshman year self, which is a bold, controversial statement. My worst year of high school was probably sophomore year. I think sophomore year Lisel needed advice the most. So, my advice to my sophomore year self would be to relax and just trust the process. Also, be intentional with who you put into your inner circle but that does not mean limiting your outer circle.

What is your proudest accomplishment?

My proudest accomplishment in freshman year was doing well in World Affairs and Spirit Week. In sophomore year, it was leading World Affairs and seeing all the Masterman students winning speaker awards as I sat in the audience like a proud parent, even though I was like fifteen. In junior year, it was debating with Malcolm. At the end of the year, I realized that the year’s work paid off.

What is something on your bucket list?

I have always wanted to jump in the Schuylkill. Again, very contested, very controversial, but I do want to jump into the Schuylkill one day and one day it will happen. Hopefully I don’t get river poisoning.

What would you want the rest of your grade (or school) to know about you?

Don’t be afraid to come up to me and talk to me about stuff, if you need help and you know I can help. When I was a freshman, in clubs or sports I would have conversations with upperclassmen and talk to them about it. So don’t be afraid to come up to me and talk to me. I won’t bite, I promise.

But for the class of 2022, by the time this spotlight has come out, we made it through college apps so big congrats. Secondly, sometimes I look around any of my classes and I see a room full of talented, intelligent, funny students and it makes me glad to be part of the class of 22.

What are you doing for winter break?

I have been planning on going ice skating with a bunch of friends outside of Masterman so hopefully that happens. I also want to go ice skating with my brother, he’s ten, he doesn’t know how to skate so he will probably fall a bunch. What else? Hot chocolate, I like hot chocolate. Hopefully it will snow.

What album/song represents your life right now?

Wait a Minute, by Willow, or Sunday Best.

Tell us a joke.

Reference Chloe Doyle’s November response.