New Year's Resolutions

Natalia Bieszczad (10-4)

As the winter holidays arrive, so does a spirit of hope and ambition. Every year during this season, many are inspired to make changes to better themselves. After all, the beginning of a new year can be a great time for new beginnings, habits, and lifestyles. However, these often overly ambitious goals tend to have a short lifespan. According to a study by the Journal of Clinical Psychology, 54% of people that set New Year’s resolutions fail. Nevertheless, 46% are predicted to achieve their goal. With a well-thought-out plan and lots of persistence and determination, it is possible!

Setting a New Year’s resolution can be as meaningful as intended and the change does not have to be as black and white as many think. After the last two discouraging years, the arrival of 2022 can be a good time to just “reset the clock” and create more happiness in our lives, which is the true meaning of this cute tradition.

Let's take a look at Masterman’s New Year’s Resolutions:

“To be nicer to myself 😊” - Anonymous

“Make meaningful memories” - Le-Qi Tang 12-4

“I want to have all A’s for the rest of the year” - Anonymous

“Actually finish art projects instead of stockpiling half filled canvases” - Anonymous

“My New Year's Resolution is to read more!” - Anonymous 10-2

“Finally finish all of the projects I have started on" - Anonymous 11-3

“Keep up with grades and be prepared” - Katrina Chen 10-4

“Stand up for myself more :)” - Meredith Drasnin 12-1

“Learn a new skill” - Anonymous

“Stop procrastinating as much, sleep earlier, go for a peaceful walk every so often, and don't overthink” - Anonymous

“To focus on my mental health more, and to get more sleep.” - Anonymous

“Drink more water” - Rhoslyn 10-4

“To be nicer to myself and to be more accepting of my failures” - Niara Hughes

“To treat others with kindness and pursue my passion in cooking” - Anonymous

“Sleep more and stress less” - Megi 12-2

“To get more sleep” - Anonymous 12-3

“To start running more often and focus more on my grades/mental health” - Anonymous

“To find my passion" - Anonymous 10-4

“I want to be more buff like my heroes Larry Huang, Tino Karakousis, and Aakash Jha” - Liam 10-1

“To learn how to make clothes w/ my sewing machine!!! Her name is Nalima (Naomi + Hala + Naima) and she is #adorbs”- Hala Alhuraibi 11-4