Nicky's Farewell Letter

Nicky Como (12-1)

Photograph provided by Nicky Como (12-1)

Dear Masterman,

Who knew the year would slip out of our grasps just like that? I know they say high school goes by in a blink of an eye but my experience was even shorter because of the pandemic. I’m glad to say Voices was a big part of my high school career. The hustle and bustle over deadlines, editing, and the boom of creativity was what it was all about. It’s saddening and brings me nostalgia to know that this is the last issue of Voices I will be writing in. Nonetheless, I’m so grateful to have been surrounded by creative and hardworking students every Monday 3rd period. You all inspired me to keep working hard (despite the looming senioritis). Josie and I were the first chief editor team in a long time, looking back we did one heck of a job! With the support of our amazing sponsor, Ms. Gentlesk, we were able to give Masterman this newspaper.

I joined Voices my sophomore year. I knew I liked to write so I pushed myself out of my comfort zone and joined the school paper. I had no idea what I was in for but in retrospect it was worth the push. I was the columnist that year and every month I got to share my thoughts on anything I wanted. I would stay up late finishing articles, stayed after school for interviews, and always was on the lookout for new article ideas. I applied to be a section editor for my junior year and that was my next step. I edited papers and got to participate in Voices as a writer and an editor.

I became one of the chief editors of Voices my senior year. It was such a rewarding experience that I will always appreciate. Josie and I weren’t exactly expected to team up but we knew it was the best choice. Balancing a Chief Editor team was never very difficult for the two of us, as we had the same vision for Voices. Together we launched a website, an Instagram page, and introduced a video team. We wanted to elevate Voices with all the potential it had.

Senior year really flew by, but I’m glad we were able to document and report the time we spent in school. The COVID-19 pandemic has affected all of our lives one way or another. Having a Voices website allowed us to stay connected with the community. Being able to publish articles from home during a global pandemic felt like a gift. As a senior, this pandemic made me grateful for the little things in life like: attending school (even if it means waking up at the crack of dawn), going on Stockyard and Dunkin’ runs after school, and staying late to edit Voices in 402. Although I can’t experience it again I know the next team of Voices will drink enough Dunkin and edit a plethora of papers in my place next year and that’s all I can ask for.

Voices has quite the future ahead! I know Ms. Gentlesk will continue to be supportive and a creative shoulder to lean on. Lola and Lucy and Laura and Tal, you will learn to love the responsibilities of section editors! Also a big thanks to Helena and Maia for taking over layout. I know that Anna and Maeve will do a spectacular job taking over as the next chief editor team. They are hardworking, creative, and have the vivid enthusiasm that Voices thrives off of. I know it can seem daunting, but the day you are writing this letter it’ll all feel like a crazy perfect blur of an experience.

Stay safe and have a good summer.

