Anya Rubin Senior Spotlight

Rylee Porter '24

First, in order for me to even consider continuing this senior spotlight, I need to ask, who is your best friend?

My best friend is Rylee Michala Porter. 

Nah, but on a more serious note, I know how important your friends are to you. Do you have any favorite memories with your friends from Masterman that you’d like to share?

I’m gonna have to think about it. There’s so many it’s so hard to choose. I honestly wanna say that I liked doing the lip sync, even though that was really recently. That was one of my favorite memories with my friends. I also liked the days where we had to eat lunch with Covid precautions. My friends would find a different place to eat everyday, like classrooms, the auditorium balcony, and various hallways. It was like a little surprise everyday. 

Music is a huge part of your life. Talk about your band and what role you play in it.

Not many people know this about me because I'm not musically involved at this school at all, but I’ve been playing piano since I was five years old, so it’s been thirteen years now. I’m in AP music theory, but I’m not in the school orchestra so I don’t think many people knew that. I started out with classical music, but I got bored of it and decided I wanted to join a band. I currently play keys at the School Of Rock Philadelphia, and I perform once every week-ish at venues all around the city. Some are indoors, some are outdoors, some are charity events, some are festivals, and it’s a lot of fun! I wish that in my time at Masterman I was more musically involved at the school, but there’s not much specifically for piano players to do, and reading and memorizing sheet music was never my thing. I like to go more freely.

So you sing, you play piano, and you’re also a 2 sport athlete, playing both volleyball and softball. Is there anything you can’t do?

No. Actually, let me think about it. I cannot do homework. Everyday in school I finish my work so I never have to take it home. 

Editor's note: It took her almost a full minute to think about it. 

If anyone knows us, they know that we are the most loyal Golden Chopsticks supporters. Do you have a favorite fortune from one of our trips over the years?

Oh can I go look at my wall for inspiration? I actually went to Golden Chopsticks today after softball. Okay hold on, I’m taking a look. I like, “If you’re happy, you’re successful,” and I like, “Pick a path with heart.” Period. 

Editor's note: Anya has a section of her bedroom wall where she displays all of her fortunes.

Sleepaway camp, the mysterious place that you disappear to for a month out of the summer, has always been a second home to you. What has that experience given to you after doing it for all these years?

I think honestly it’s made me a lot more patient because as a counselor, I’ve learned that kids do not listen. I’m somebody who likes to be very particular and likes people to listen to them, so that was definitely a challenge. This is gonna sound corny, but as a kid, it taught me how to be who I really wanted to be. I did not know a single other kid there at first, so there were no expectations. Also, it taught me to love nature and whatnot. Since I live in the city, I don’t really see a lot of bugs, except cockroaches. I had to do a seven day hike over five mountains, and it definitely was a challenge. 

What are you most excited for after graduation?

I’m most excited to have a great summer after senior year, and try to not be stressed about school at all because it’s probably the last time for a while that I won’t be very stressed. I’m excited to go to Europe with my friends (sorry Rylee, RIP), and to go to Wildwood with Rylee, and to be a camp counselor again. As of right now, I still don’t know where I’m going to college (I might once this issue is published) but I’m excited to go to college because I think that it’s gonna be a better daily schedule for me than high school. I think the way that the classes are setup is going to help me learn better. 

Anya is the most fun person I know, so here’s some fun facts about her:

Favorite concert you’ve ever been to: Lowkey Tame Impala, but Taylor Swift is a close second. I also liked Sza.

2023 Spotify Wrapped Top Artist: It was either Taylor or Kanye.

Favorite color to wear: Honestly probably black or brown. I’m not very exciting.

What’s your zodiac sign, and how accurate is that?: I’m a virgo. I think it’s kind of accurate. I do like to be a perfectionist a lot of the time. 

Favorite hairstyle to wear your hair in: I like to do a blowout and wear it down, but other than that I usually wear a low bun. 

Any final comments that the world should know?

Say yes to doing anything that even slightly interests you, because if you don’t you’ll probably regret it.