Senior Spotlight: Jackie Gonzales (12-1)

Ella Berman (11-2)

Photo courtesy of Jackie Gonzales (12-1)

What is your favorite memory at Masterman?

Spirit week last year, the lip sync.

What is a piece of advice you would give your freshman self?

Go to bed. Just go to bed. There’s no point in staying up past 1 or 2 in the morning doing work. If it’s not done, do it tomorrow.

You are vice president of peer counseling. Can you tell me about the club and how it is special to you?

In 7th grade I was having a rough time and my peer counselors were really there for me during the most stressful period. It meant a lot to me to be able to do that, to hopefully be that person. Just like, help them relax and help them have a period where they don’t have to stress as much about school. Being vice president, you know, it’s a lot of fun to get to work with them on some serious topics, it’s a nice balance we create.  

You are captain of the girls soccer team. Can you tell me a little bit about your experience playing Masterman soccer and talk about how the team is doing this year?

We are going to the championship this Friday! That should be fun, I’m really excited. It’s been a lot. We’ve definitely grown as a team from last year, now we have a lot more chemistry. I love seeing the new people, and everyone growing. I love watching how everyone has gotten better since freshman year. 

What is your favorite room in Masterman and why?

The library, to study. That’s where my friends and I used to go during advisory in the morning when we had homework to do. 

What is the weirdest thing you’ve seen at Masterman?

Dead cockroaches in the locker room. Always exciting. 

What teacher do you most look up to at Masterman?

I look up to Ms. Waber a lot. I think that she has a presence that’s very welcoming, and like you want to make her proud and you want her to like you and think that you are doing your best without being too much. She’s the exact balance of everything you want to be.  

Favorite song?

At the moment the song I’m listening to right now is Me and My Dog by Boygenius. My favorite song right now would have to be Skin by Spacey Jane.

Favorite pre-game song?

My favorite pre-game song is She Live by Maxo Kream.