The Girls’ Basketball Team: Unprecedented and Undefeated

Ella Berman (11-2) & Rylee Porter (11-2)

  At the beginning of the basketball season, senior captain Elena Giannoumis (12-3) didn’t even know if there would be a Masterman girls’ varsity basketball team—they could barely recruit nine girls. However, by the end of the winter, Masterman girls’ varsity basketball had an undefeated regular season record of 16-0, and an overall record of 18-2 after playing in both the Public League playoffs and states. Mr. Otarola, who has been coaching girls’ varsity basketball at Masterman for eleven years, acknowledges “this was the best year that I've been personally affiliated with.” Previous Masterman teams have made it to the playoffs, but this year's team made it even further by going to districts and getting seeded for states. 

      The team began the season competing against less competitive opponents, which gave the girls—a mixture of veteran players and new players—a chance to find their footing. “The fact that we only had nine players limited what we could and could not do,” says Mr. Otarola, “But what we did do, we ran very well,” he reflects. “We were able to maximize our potential at every game.” 

Another factor that contributed to the girls’ success was the spectators at home games. Because there were so many home games this season, students, parents, and faculty alike flocked to the Masterdome to watch the girls dominate. This high energy atmosphere made it easy for the team to make basket after basket, knowing they had the (very loud!) support of their school behind them. 

      The increased number of games that the girls played this year allowed them to develop chemistry on the court. One of Mr. Otarola’s favorite memories from the season was the game against Gratz, in which the girls were playing for first place in their division. He recollects that it was a very physical game, but the girls were able to persevere and win. As champions of their division, the team moved on to the playoffs where they won their first game and then lost the next one. However, this success allowed them to play in a seeding states game, which they won. They lost their next state game, ending their admirable season.

      The nine players on this exceptional squad included MVP of the conference, Jocelyn Goldstein (10-2). Goldstein is only a sophomore this year, but already has a stack of accolades from her Masterman basketball career, including First Team and MVP of her conference two years in a row, and an All Public Honorable Mention this year. When reflecting on these personal successes, Goldstein says, “Obviously it feels good to be recognized, but these individual recognitions are a reflection of the support I get from my teammates.” This sentiment is echoed by another crucial player on the team, senior Ella Moos (11-1): “It’s special because it’s such a small team. As opposed to other sports, in basketball there’s only five people on the court at all times, so it’s a much closer experience.” When she broke her nose at the start of this season, what stuck with her was the kindness that the team showed. “In the first game back from winter break, my teammates got me a whole gift bag with a little tiny basketball and a bunch of candy.”  

      Seniors Grace Maroon (12-3) and Haley White (12-1) also played key roles in the team's success. Maroon picked basketball back up after playing junior varsity her freshman year and ended up being an essential part of the team. White, on the other hand, had been playing Masterman basketball under Mr. Otarola since she was a freshman. “I just want to thank all my seniors for all their hard work over the course of the four years that they were here and setting the standards,” says Mr. Otarola. 

      The chemistry that was built throughout the season helped the team achieve an undefeated regular season and make it to the playoffs. “There is a lot of teamwork and trust in each other,” says captain Giannoumis. “We were there for each other on and off the court.” The team hopes to continue their success next season, and encourages anyone interested to join the team. For the seniors, this season was a perfect way to top off their Masterman basketball experience. “I’m glad I was able to end my career like this,” Giannoumis reflects.