Voices Endorses John Fetterman

Henry Margasak (12-4)

Masterman Voices has chosen to endorse John Fetterman in the election for the open Pennsylvania senate seat.

Voices and its values align with Fetterman on almost all fronts. The two issues that stick out to Voices, however, Fetterman’s stance on women’s reproductive rights and his tax plans on wealthy Americans.

Voices would not exist without the perpetual exercising of personal freedom. We have repeatedly spoken out against leadership in the city of Philadelphia, the state of Pennsylvania, and in Washington. Without the right to speak freely, about whoever or whatever, Voices would have nothing to publish. Thus, it’s obvious how the freedom to decide to speak up and fight back is essential to all journalism. More fundamentally, the freedom to make decisions for oneself, to decide when and where to move your body, is incredibly important to Voices. Without the liberty to write without fear of being silenced, we couldn’t write at all. Individually and as a whole, Voices writers understand why people should be able to make decisions for themselves. This is why we can’t stand to support state or federal governments restricting a woman’s right to choose.

Photo courtesy of Henry Margasak (12-4)

As for Fetterman’s tax plan, Voices also understands the benefits of robust centralized funding better than anyone else. If it weren’t for the taxpayer dollars allocated to the Masterman HSA, along with generous donations from almost every Masterman family, we wouldn’t have the money for paper, ink, or pizza parties when our writers deserve one. Fetterman’s plans to raise taxes on those that have the resources to pay them will help Voices and other non-profits who are focused on doing good and need taxpayer money to do so.

On November 7th, we urge all Voices readers and Masterman students to vote Fetterman.