Senior Spotlight: Audi Soetiono (12-4)

Annetta Yuwono (12-4)

Photo courtesy of Audi Soetiono (11-4)

What is your favorite highschool memory? (include more than one if you want)

There are a lot of memories and I feel like I can’t just pick one… also I don't have a good memory so I won’t be able to remember a lot of the good things that happened. But one of my favorites was maybe our beach day or my birthday.

It was my [17th] birthday. I really wanted to have a party but I just got kinda lazy and I didn’t plan it ahead of time. In my head I was thinking, “It’s probably really late and people might not be able to come” so when I asked everyone a lot of people said “oh no… I have this, I have this, I have this, [etc.]” So originally it was going to be a date with me and Annetta and we were just going to hang out at my house because [our birthdays are in] May.

Meanwhile, behind my back Annetta and Jennifer decided to throw a surprise party for me. They coordinated with my mom and when Annetta came over, she gave me a gift. I unwrapped it, and went downstairs to show my mom. When I came back up everyone came in and they all surprised me and I was like “oh! EVERYONE is here! I got really emotional and I started crying because I was so touched that everyone came. We spent time together, we played games, we hung out, had lots of laughs, and then we went to Kpot. Annetta baked me a cake and when we went to Kpot to eat, even though I asked not to, they still did the thing where they ask the pope to come and sing happy birthday to me. We cut the cake which was ugh the best cake I've ever eaten in my life. It was lemon curd, lavender, and something— I don't know, I don't care, the best cake ever! It was a pretty good day, I was so touched.

Photo courtesy of Annetta Yuwono (11-4)

What are some of your favorite hobbies?

I like reading webtoons, watching K-dramas, listening to music, singing and dancing, baking, and cooking. Those are the hobbies that I can think of, I probably have more.

What got you into dance?

My mom made me do it. I started in seventh grade. Cherilynn had been doing it when they started the whole company (Modero & Co.) so she was there for like two years before I joined. Her mom talked to my mom about it and so she [Audi’s mom] was like “oh you should join dance” and I was like “no, I don’t want to” and she was like “just trying one time, see if you might like it” and then I ended up going because she kind of forced me and then I ended up staying because I had fun doing it. [I got to] learn about my culture and spread my culture to other people (i.e. international day).

What are three things that you can’t live without ?

My friends, my family… and food. The three fundamental Fs. Obviously, I can’t live without my family because without my parents I wouldn't exist in the first place. I don't really like my brother but he's grown on me so I guess I can't really live without him. And obviously my friends. I feel like I would be a different person today if I had different friends or if I didn't have any friends so I am very grateful for them. And you know— food, no one can live without food. It's just human biology but also food is delicious. Also we’re Tauruses, we live for food.

What do you plan on studying in college?

Engineering. I’m not sure what engineering field I want to go into yet but I've just been leaning towards mechanical [engineering].

What specifically got you into engineering?

I wrote my college essay about this! When I was really little, I really liked just playing with things: observing [them], taking them apart and putting them back together, fixing things, [etc.]. And I just did [that] a lot when I was little so when my mom noticed, she started to push me into [the sciences]— she put me into a lot of STEM things. I did a bunch of workshops and I grew to like it more and more. Until eventually I discovered that “oh, there's a name for this. It's called engineering” and after that I just dove deeper into engineering. I joined robotics, I [take] math, physics, etc. But yeah, that's my engineering story.

What are you looking forward to this year?

Hanging out with my friends: making memories before we all leave. I don't know why, but I'm looking forward to prom. I mean prom isn't really that special— I guess I just hope that I get promposed to just to fulfill my high school fantasy. I’m looking forward to having a nice robotics season. However that turns out, I know that I’ll have a lot of fun. I am looking forward to getting over college processes (almost there!)

What are some of your pet peeves?

I cannot stand fake people. They are obnoxiously people pleasing. But also, a lot of the time fake people aren't like— when they try too hard, they end up copying other people. I don’t like when people can’t be original themselves.

If you could be an animal what would you be and why?

These questions are so hard. I guess a monkey. I don't know, I was born in 2004 and I’m naturally curious, crazy, [and] loud. Like Curious George.

What is something you want people to know about BTS?

That they are awesome! You shouldn't judge them based on what mass media portrays because if you look into them, you’ll see that they're not just your standard pop boy band. They are real people who have worked very hard to get to where they are and I think a lot of people overlook that because of their sudden fame (which wasn't even sudden). I just wish that they would get to know the real BTS, not just [who they] see in the media.

What is your MBTI? Do you think that it defines your personality correctly?

I am an E..S...N? No, ESTP-A.

So E: Extroverted. I'm pretty close to the halfway point so I wouldn't consider myself extremely extroverted but I am more extroverted.

S: Observant. You see, this is one of the things where I think that the wording that they chose isn't really great; I feel like I have good intuition. I think that in a perfect world I would prefer to observe before I jump into things over just jumping right in without looking (like intuition). That's why I think that the quiz results came out as observant and not intuitive but because of my ADHD nature, I think it's just easier for me to go go go and make quick decisions which is why I feel like I live intuitively, but if I could, I would live more observant.

T: Thinker. I’m definitely more of a thinker, I have never been in touch with my emotions all that well my entire life so it’s definitely very accurate.

P: Prospecting. Prospecting is like more flexible whereas judging is like they feel more comfortable when they have all the steps lined up and they have a checklist— which is very like you [Annetta] but like I said before, because of my ADHD nature, I’m not very good at planning ahead so I’ve kind of gotten used to whatever’s presented to me and I’m really good at making quick decisions on my feet. But I’m really bad at planning ahead so I think that it [the prospecting personality] is very like me.

A: Assertive. Assertiveness is when you’re really confident with yourself and you’re also very strong powered. I think it does match my [personality] very well but the picture that they give you on the 16-personalities website is a Chad and I do not think I’m a Chad.

Since Thanksgiving is coming up, what are you thankful for?

I’m thankful for everything in my life. I feel like a lot of people take things for granted— take a lot of things for granted actually. But I think that even the things that you don't normally think about, you should be thankful for because there could be a world where you don't have those things. Even like free school, clothes, food, my devices, my friends, my family, all of those things are just something that you should always be thankful for even if it doesn't always cross your mind.

Quick Favorites:

Color: Red. Red is a color that really embodies me: fire, love, very strong. And also [there's a saying] that red makes you hungry or something like that. Red is a great color.

Number: Seven. I was born on the seventh; Cherilynn Chow, my first first best friend and my longest best friend was also born on a seven [June 7th]; seven is a lucky number; BTS is seven; there are seven days in a week; on the seventh day, God rested. Seven is just the number.

Webtoon: Oh my gosh, this is such a hard one! Days of Hana is the first one that came to mind but there are so many more that come to mind afterwards. The new ones are ok, the OG OG old ones were really good, it was just the typical love triangles, they had a whole story line. Refund High— I’m just trying to think— those were the ones that made me cry. And Dr. Frost.

Baked good (cake/ cookie/ etc.): Annetta, oh my gosh, anything that is a baked good, is my favorite. You can’t ask me to pick, that's like asking a parent to pick their favorite child. There are just so many options and they’re all so good.

Favorite cookie: Snickerdoodles.

Favorite cake: Your cake (image above in question 1).

Favorite type of baked good: I tend to lean on the side of lighter desserts— mousse or really light cakes. One, it’s my Asian palette and two, growing up in elementary school where my friends would bring cupcakes to school and they’re very heavy and the icing was really strong and I’ve kinda gotten sick of it. Also I’m getting old and can’t handle a lot of sugar any more.

Season: Spring. One, obviously it’s my birthday. And for me really it’s between spring and fall because I hate extreme cold and extreme heat and fall and spring are right in the middle.

Subject: I don't like any subjects— I don't have a favorite subject that I really really love. I enjoy my science classes— I’ve always been a science person so science classes have been fun and I understood it well so I did pretty well in those classes too.

Article of Clothing: article of clothing in general is just pants. Pants are very versatile: you can find fancy pants, you can find comfy pants, you can find stylish plants, there are shorts. It just depends on the season. But my favorite article of clothing that I own is this zip up hoodie without sleeves and it's black. I wear it a lot and and it's a very nice accent piece. If I could wear it every day I would.