Senior Spotlight: Yassmine Motya (12-1)

Hope Applegate (12-2)

You’re co-captain of the Masterman girls soccer team. Can you tell me a little about your experience being on the team since freshman year? 

It's been really fun. I like the community of the team. When I joined freshman year the seniors were out from COVID-19 but the juniors were really welcoming and brought us into the team. I remember I was nervous to join but when I got there everyone was really nice. I've kind of always wanted to be soccer captain since 5th grade so it was nice to have a full-circle moment.

What is your favorite class this year?

Probably AP Gov. Gilligan is a very engaging person and he finds a way to make the lessons interactive and debatable. He’s always doing something that makes the class funny. You know how everything in the universe is fake, it is part of that fakeness. I don’t know what happens in that class but I love it. 

Do you have any good recipes you would like to share with the Masterman community?

Yesterday my interviewer tried my mother's bean salad (which was delicious), which is what I ate during engineering. I eat during engineering class because 6th-period lunch is horrible. The bean salad had beans, chickpeas, corn, and carrots. It is divine. 

As ultimate frisbee captain, what is a memory that sticks out to you from over the years?

Sophomore year was my first year playing and it was honestly my favorite year of ultimate. We had a large team and it was nice. By the way, everyone go join ultimate frisbee. Anyways, that year we won states. Everyone in ultimate is really nice and encouraging. In terms of sportsmanship between teams, it's a different vibe in ultimate frisbee. You know people on the other teams and you’re friends with them. You see them outside of school during summer leagues, so everyone is pretty connected and there is a lot of spirit. 

What is your favorite extracurricular you’re involved with and why?

I’m not sure about my favorite extracurricular, but if we're talking about outside of sports I would say mock trial. I call it my winter sport because once you're in mock trial competition season that's when the grind starts. 

Favorite song of the season? 

I’ve been loving Nobody’s Business by Rihanna.

Most irrational superstition you have? 

Superstitions aren't real.

If you could have free meals from one fast food chain, what would it be?

Chipotle. I could probably live the longest on that without dying from clogged arteries or something. 

Do you feel Senioritis yet?

Yes. I'm ready to go.

How do you feel about graduating?
