Senior Spotlight: Jiahao Xu (12-4)

Helena Saven (12-4)

Photo courtesy of Helena Saven (12-4)

How are you adjusting to in-person learning?

It’s pretty hard to wake up sometimes. Before I could wake up at around 8.

What are you working on in the engineering club?

We’re working on coding and creating a circuit and programming.

What can the circuit do?

It can do whatever we program it to do.

What’s the first thing you do after you get home from school?

I get something to eat, such as a snack. Then I turn on my computer and work.

What makes you feel inspired?

Watching other people create stuff, which makes me want to make things too.

What’s your favorite Halloween memory?

A long time ago there was a Halloween party and I ate a lot of candy. That was probably the day I ate the most candy. That was fun.