Senior Spotlight: Roisin Keenan (12-2)

Max Chen (12-1)

You’re the captain of the soccer, basketball, and softball teams. How long have you been playing sports, and what do they mean to you?

I have been playing softball since I was 5 and then soccer and basketball since I was 10. I have always been very competitive and athletic, so sports were a way to express that.

You were injured in one of the final games of your high school soccer career. How were you able to move past that setback?

I was pretty bummed for a while after I broke my collarbone because I couldn’t play soccer and I was out for the whole basketball season. I was able to go to physical therapy to get back to 100% and I got pretty good at my one handed shot during gym class.

As an impressive scholar athlete, what tips would you give for balancing work and play? How do you manage your time?

To be honest, I am the biggest procrastinator ever. It really is a wonder that I manage to get everything done and turned in.

Photo courtesy of Roisin Keenan (12-2)

What aspirations do you have for college life?

I'm excited to meet new people and live on my own.

Alright, enough of the serious stuff. What are your favorite things to do with friends?

It’s always fun to hang out in City View after school. Sometimes we watch really bad movies to make fun of, like Cats.

What is the most unexpected thing in your room?

A license plate from Iceland. My family went to Iceland a few years ago and I found a license plate sticking out of the ground when we were driving through a bunch of rivers. We ended up putting it in a suitcase and taking it home so now it’s hanging above my bedroom door.

If you could live in a fictional universe, which one would you choose and why?

I’m not sure. Maybe Star Wars. I guess it would only be cool if I could use the force, though.

What is an invention that you think someone should invent?

Easier said than done, but teleportation.

What advice would you give your freshman self?

This is so corny but yolo. Also don’t take Discrete.