An Inside Look into Masterman’s Student-Run Choir

William Wroblewski (11-2)

Masterman is home to many wonderful activities and events, most notably the programs that the students can participate in and making an impact on the school community. One of those programs is the student-run Sweet Sixteen Choir. Unlike the normal Choir and the Chamber Choir, Sweet Sixteen is fully student-run and led, and when performing, it arranges itself to be a unique product of creativity and leadership. During the high school lunch period in Room 104, one cannot walk by without hearing the angelic chorus of talented voices, singing along to the conduction of their own doing. At Masterman, students’ creativity shines through and the Sweet Sixteen choir does it all exquisitely, with the apparition of melodic hum and wondrous encounters with the craftsmanship of time. 

Throughout the history of music, composers set out to transcribe great works, then orchestras and choirs alike would practice them. Then, it would be down to the individual musician to interpret them according to their own vision. This practice of musical heritage continues here at Masterman, where our own wonderful choir members interpret works that range from the sensational Lover by Taylor Swift and Feel the Math Love by Masterman’s own Ms. Siu. 

Abiah Thomas, a senior, joined Sweet Sixteen in 2020 as a singer and later became one of the main leaders. The following is the interview with her regarding her experience in the club.

What is the achievement you are the most proud of doing while at Sweet Sixteen? 

I think just getting us from the beginning of the year to the end of the year with decent success. We are about to perform in the Masterman High School Spring Concert, and getting to this point is really exciting.

What’s it like to be a leader?

It's really fun. I really like the group that we have, they ́are nice to work with, not just professionally when we´re getting work done, and just having fun and being together as a community.

Do you have any advice?

It is better to audition because it is better to try than not try at all. That way, you could not miss out on all of the cool things you would not get while not auditioning.

The second interview is with Cyrano Rosentrater, 10-4, who joined Sweet Sixteen in 2021 as a bass singer and the consigliere. The following is the interview with him regarding his experience in the club.

Why did you join Sweet Sixteen?

Ever since fifth grade, when Sweet Sixteen burst into my classroom and started singing for Candygrams, I was captivated by their work and the potential of vocal music. Years later, in ninth grade, I auditioned for Sweet Sixteen and got into the bass section.

What is a consigliere?

A consigliere is an advisor, in this case, to the Sweet Sixteen leaders. Essentially a smaller leader. But it's not an official term, I just kind of made that up on the spot.

How has Sweet Sixteen impacted you as a musician and as a Masterman student?

As a musician, Sweet Sixteen has helped me improve my singing, helped me learn more about vocal music, and inspired me to create vocal arrangements of certain musical numbers and songs. As a Masterman student, it has allowed me to meet a lot of upperclassmen and students in other grades that are also interested in music and drama. It has also inspired me how to teach vocal music to others and given me important experience.