Freshman Spotlight: Kaddy Ren (9-3)
Victoria Alamo-Rosas & Mehaad Bahar (9-1)
Choice for continuing at Masterman high school?
I live really close to school so that was a part of it and this is a good school with a good reputation.
Role as grade representative?
We meet once a week and go over the agenda. Right now there are side projects like Maya the 11th grade representative is working on getting Narcan in the nurse's office which is really important. We plan to meet with Dr.Payne to go over our plans soon.
Running a small business: crocheting?
Photo courtesy of Kaddy Ren (9-3)
I first started knitting over winter break. I got inspired when I saw these really pretty mittens on Pinterest. I knew my mom knitted but she was busy with her own stuff so she taught me how to knit on my own. The first thing I made were these very uneven gloves but I still love them. Then on Tiktok crocheting got pretty popular and I thought maybe I should try it. Plus it doesn’t take that much supplies.
insta/etsy : @krafdyren
Do you have any other hobbies?
I do running. I ran for the Broad Street Run with Students Run. I think a lot of people doubted me but running with such a big huddle makes you run so much faster. So I did so much better than I expected and I finished the whole run.
Fashion advice?
I mean I'm on Pinterest a lot but I don't necessarily buy a lot of clothes. Maximizing all the items in the closet helps so when you make a big purchase you know you'll wear it. Also re-wearing pieces of outfits is cute. It shows people your signature style, kinda how cartoon characters have a signature style that fits them so well.
Favorite movie?
I like Legally Blonde, the Social Network, and Little Women (2019). Definitely my top three.
Cats or Dogs?
Cats. I haven't owned any pets other than turtles. And they all died under my care so...