To The New Generation


The Chandos portrait of Shakespeare.

Photo courtesy of the Smithsonian Magazine

Good evening, friends,

Ye have most certainly heard my surname. I, dear pupils, am William Shakespeare. Today, in this month that I was both birthed and put to my death bed, I have returned to the now “climate change” devoured Earth, with a goal to make my literature further appealing to young adults such as ye. Many did not spare a mere second and came anon, telling me high school students are not pleased with my work. They tell me ye find my works “tedious” and “boring.” Doth it? Perhaps it is for the best that I do not, prithee. However, to appeal to this new generation, I hath jotted a list of new plays I have or shall beginith working on:

  • Julius Eilish

  • Friday Night

  • As You Like Her

  • The Merchant On TikTok

  • The Comedy of High School

  • Justin and Brittany: A Tragedy?

Of course, these pieces will take many days, months, and years. Time has run ahead of me, and I feel greatly behind. Much research must be conducted, as I ne'er have even spoken to a young adult in 2022, nor stepped in America. I appreciate your patience and fervently hope to please everybody.


Shakespeare, Bard of Avon